Your role is simple - tell the LSP what you want!  If you would like to become involved in the Community Plan process you can contact: mailto:joanna.hill@wealden.gov.uk


Key Theme

Community Strategy Aim

Local Agenda 21

Education, Learning & Skills

To provide everyone in Wealden with access to lifelong learning, education and skills training to fulfil their potential.

We need to support and encourage community participation in lifelong learning; this will contribute to the overall sustainability of the District.

Gaps have been identified in the job market with insufficient numbers of young people being trained to take up posts in professions such as engineering and nursing.

2001 figures show that 57% of residents work locally.


To develop a healthy, rich and diverse environment based on sustainable principles for everybody in Wealden.

We will achieve this by promoting a sustainable quality of life for present and future generations.

WILDLIFE- Numbers of farmland and woodland birds have been in decline since the 1970s.

WASTE - In Wealden, we generate 60,000 tonnes of household waste annually, filling nearly 5,000 refuse vehicles. Of this only 9% is recycled.

WATER - The increase in use of modern household appliances means that the demand on limited water supplies is increasing. The more we take out of rivers and groundwater, the greater the pressure we place on the environment.

ENERGY - Our current consumption of energy could lead to a depletion of natural resources for future generations.

Health & Social Care

To provide everyone in Wealden with access to appropriate health and social care services to maximise their potential for good health and well-being.

Factors such as diet, alcohol, smoking, drugs, unemployment, poverty, bad housing and crime affect health and quality of life.


To provide access to decent homes for all those who live or need to live in Wealden, suitable for their needs and sustainable within their means.

The number of households is increasing and it is vital that we have sufficient affordable housing for local people.


To provide the people of Wealden with access to a broad range of leisure, sporting and cultural opportunities to improve their quality of life, health and well-being.

Leisure activity can help to improve quality of life and contribute to general fitness and well being.


To create a prosperous sustainable economy that is dynamic, flexible and maintains the environment qualities of the area.

Tourism has become a growth area within the local economy whilst agricultural activity is declining. Encouraging green tourism is a priority for Wealden to ensure visitors do not damage the environmental assets they have come to see. Support is provided to the business sector to encourage the introduction of environmental management systems. This can be particularly challenging for small businesses which make up 80% of businesses in Wealden (employing less than 10 people).


To enable everyone in Wealden, to live or travel within the District confident of their personal safety and free of the fear of crime.

Crime, and fear of crime, affects the quality of life for a great many people. The police cannot tackle the causes on their own, and emphasis is upon forming partnerships within the community.


To improve accessibility for all and reduce the impact of traffic on people and places. We will achieve this by promoting safe, convenient and sustainable means of transport across the District.

Too much traffic can significantly alter quality of life through increases in pollution. It has altered patterns of play beyond recognition some parents feel it is unsafe to allow their children to play outside or to walk to school.

Traffic is forecast to increase by more than a third over the next twenty years. The provision of adequate public transport is also a major issue affecting Wealden



  • Reduce your reliance on the car by taking public transport, walking or cycling where possible.

  • Use your village shop and buy local products to cut down on the transportation of goods.

  • Find out how to reduce your waste by clicking here.

  • Find out where your local recycling facilities are by clicking here.

  • Energy conservation in your home or small business can help you save money. 

  • Cut down consumption of water by fitting a water efficient shower, installing a water meter and using a water butt for watering the garden.

  • If you are concerned about crime in your area, find out who your Neighbourhood watch representative is locally, or set up a new scheme.

  • Do something practical to look after Wealden’s wildlife habitats by joining your local branch of the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV). Visit the High Weald Conservation Volunteers website; email the Sussex Ouse Conservation Society by clicking here or email the East Sussex office of BTCV by clicking here for more information on groups in your area.

To obtain more information on Wealden's Community Strategy click here.  

WASTE:  Find out what happens to the waste you put into your wheelie bin or save for recycling by clicking here. Find out more about the Council's recycling initiatives by clicking here.


Got a story to tell?  CONTACT OUR WEBMASTER


With thanks to the Wealden Action Group and other Action Groups across the country for the supply of real case history and supporting documents.









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