Re: SUSSEX EXPRESS 18 April 2003


Eddy Powell handed the reigns to local planning officers when he gave his personal approval to them to deal with Brian Bastow's case under delegated powers.  Unless the planning committee are provided with the full facts of the matter, planning officer Ian Kay will undoubtedly pull the wool over members eyes with his smooth distortions of the facts, half answers and manifold failures to offer balanced advice, and especially so concerning Mr Bastow's Human Rights.  That is after all what planning officers are paid to do - at least that is what they told a member of the public at a planning inquiry.  


By telling only half the story, planning officers manipulate the decision making process to favour the decision they want.  We must advise you, bias or unbalanced reports to committee are unlawful, according to the High Court (R v Canterbury City Council ex parte Spring Image 1993).  However, the fact it is unlawful is unlikely to phase Mr Kay.  After all, he's been doing it for the last 20 years - that's 15 years more than he should have - according to Lord Nolan. Such long terms in office breed complacency, which is why Lord Nolan recommends 5 years as a maximum term.  Cosy, eh!  But then Ian Kay wouldn't want to abandon his other long serving mates: ..........


Eddy Powell - Liberal Democrat Candidate


Whenever the going gets tough local member Eddy Powell appears to look the other way.  In this case allowing planning officers to hound animal lovers.  Despite being the local member and advertising himself as "not playing politics."  It would seem his latest pass the buck exercise is exactly that.  Mr Powell has not made any effort to communicate with Mr Bastow or the management at Bushy Wood, but has rather washed his hands of the matter to maintain .  We ask why he bothers standing as a councillor.  It's making us cry.  If you're reading this Mr Powell we challenge you to respond to our comments in the 24 hours you are (apparently) renowned for.


Members are elected to represent the public - the electorate - they are not there just to attend meetings and remain inactive, all the while drawing expenses.  Any member who fails to properly investigate issues is a parasite, treating the function he or she is elected to fulfill as a sort of elitist club - them and us.  Members who behave badly can be reported to the Standards Board.


Is it not about time people living in the country were accorded a little dignity.  The time to enjoy life without being hounded out of a home and financially ruined in the process.  It is after all a basic Human Right.  Unfortunately, the planning system has a long way to go before it falls in line with the Human Rights Act.  We note Wealden do not acknowledge the Human Rights Act in their planning meetings, whereas Eastbourne Borough Council do so on every planning application submitted.


Councillor Nick Ellwood is heading a campaign to head off the officers at the pass.  Three cheers for common sense.



With thanks to the Wealden Action Group and other Action Groups across the country for the supply of real case history and supporting documents.