It was once that in merry old England you got a fair trial. Not any more.
In their rush to increase the conviction rate, the government of the day,
with David (himself the subject of sex scandal) Blunkett as the Justice
Minister, decided to breach Article 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998, by
taking away the presumption of innocence. This was achieved in subtle fashion
by taking away the warning to Juries, "about the dangers of
convicting a person on the unsupported say so of of a claimant."
Thus, any person making a gold-digging [false] claim of abuse, will be
believed, because the trial judge has not told them differently. After
that little ruse and other amendments in the Sexual Offences Act 2003, the
conviction rate soared - filling our prisons with many innocent men in the
process. Did you say "prats?", If you did, we tend to agree. So
come on all you claimants, why not accuse a politician of giving you one
up the rear? Give them a taste of their own medicine. There is no need for
proof and it won't matter if when they inspect your anal passage that they
find no evidence of trauma - believe us, that will be put down to some
incredible healing power. Bullshit! But that is what is happening out
there today. It's true.
it come to historical allegations, there is almost no chance of mounting a
defence. Any witnesses to provide an alibi will long since have forgotten
about dates and times. Your own diaries will have been thrown away and
other information such as telephone bills, etc, will be long gone.
Freddie Starr has been rearrested by police investigating the Jimmy Savile scandal over new sexual offence allegations.
The comedian answered bail and was arrested for a second time over additional claims.
Scotland Yard said a man in his sixties had been "further arrested on suspicion of sexual offences in connection with further allegations made to Operation Yewtree".
The investigation is part of Yewtree, the national inquiry sparked after allegations of abuse were made against the late Savile.
It has been split into three strands - allegations against Savile, those against Savile and others, and those against others.
Starr was originally arrested under the 'Savile and others' strand, but the re-arrest was not linked to Savile.
He has denied any wrongdoing.
Twelve people have been arrested under Yewtree, including high-profile figures from the entertainment industry.
Among the others are entertainer Rolf Harris, former pop star Gary Glitter, DJ Dave Lee Travis, comedian Jim Davidson and PR guru Max Clifford. All deny any wrongdoing.
FRAYED comic Freddie Starr admitted he has hit rock bottom and feels suicidal after he was banned from being left alone with his own children following his arrest in connection with the Jimmy Savile abuse scandal.
Speaking from his home in Studley, Warks, a beleaguered Freddie told the Mirror he fears his children could be taken into care as a result of police quizzing him on suspicion of sexually abusing a young girl over 40 years ago.
Looking dishevelled and puffing on a cigarette, Freddie sighed: “My life is ruined. I feel so desperate at times I want to go and end it all.
“It’s heartbreaking because I’m totally innocent. It makes me feel suicidal. I don’t think I can ever work again – how can I put a comedy face on after this?”
The 69-year-old has vehemently denied claims he groped Karin Ward in Savile’s dressing room when she was an underage teen in the 1970s.
The former TV funnyman, who has vowed to clear his name, was arrested and then freed on police bail earlier this month and has not been charged with any offence. But because of the severity of the claims, social services have slapped him with a ban from being left alone with his children.
The action by Warwickshire Social Services is “standard procedure” for someone facing such allegations.
Freddie can only have contact with the two youngsters who live with him while fiancee Sophie Lea, 36, is present.
“I’m no sex pest,” insisted Freddie. “But right now I can only have supervised contact with my kids.
“If Sophie goes out I can’t be left alone with them in my own house. The way I’m being treated is humiliating. The kids are suffering too.”
The children are Freddie and his ex-wife’s six-year-old daughter and Sophie’s 12-year-old son.
With Sophie sitting next to him for support, Freddie went on to explain how social services swooped on his luxury home last week.
“A fella came round and told me that as police were investigating me they had to pass my details on to social services,” he recalled. “Protocol, he called it.
“I’ve had to sign a piece of paper to say I can’t be left alone with my own children and I must be supervised at all times by another adult whenever I’m with them.
“I was blazing with the fella and feel absolutely gutted, like some common criminal, yet I’ve done nothing wrong.
“I’m so angry but I had to comply else the kids could be taken into care.”
The visit came days after he was twice interviewed by detectives investigating the abuse linked to Savile. Ms Ward, 52, told police she was groped by Freddie in Savile’s dressing room in 1974 when 14-years-old.
Freddie was arrested days after convicted paedophile Gary Glitter was quizzed by cops from Operation Yewtree, the Metropolitan Police inquiry into the claims.
Freddie fumed: “I’ve been arrested and questioned all night on allegations I totally refute. Now I’m being persecuted by the care system. I’ve lost all faith and confidence in the law. There are criminals out there who have done terrible things and kids who need help – yet they pick on the innocent. It’s outrageous.”
Supportive Sophie described the past few weeks as a “living nightmare”. The singer said: “Although it has been unsettling for the children they know their dad has done nothing wrong. We are all standing by him.
“But is has made Freddie paranoid. It’s a living nightmare.”
Freddie claimed at the weekend that he felt he was being treated “like the new Yorkshire Ripper”.
He also said he could never abuse a child because he went through the same trauma as a youngster.
He explained: “I know what it feels like to be sexually abused. I could never do that to someone. It was more than once and I can remember every single detail – it was terrifying. Afterwards I couldn’t stop washing myself.” Starr also distanced himself from Savile – now regarded as one of the UK’s most prolific serial sex offenders.
“I’m not the man my accuser is trying to make me out to be,” he said. “I’m not like Savile. I didn’t like the guy. There was something dodgy wrong with him.”
Last night Warwickshire County Council confirmed it had set up a “working agreement” with Freddie over the care of his children.
Their spokesperson said it was “standard procedure whilst police investigations were ongoing.” They added: “If a person has been arrested on suspicion of sexual offences one criteria stipulates they can’t be left alone with children.” The spokesperson refused to say if the star’s children would be taken into care.
Freddie, who pulled out of his latest gig last week because of his arrest, added: “My life and career are destroyed but I’m going to fight back.
“It’s all been taken away from me by a woman I don’t even know. It comes down to a one-second shot of me 40-odd years ago with a girl standing behind me.
“I want to clear my name but don’t know how I can go on.
“Jimmy Savile is dead and buried and not around to defend himself but now people are looking for someone else to pin it all on.”
you must bring in character witnesses - no matter what your
solicitor/barrister advises.
In 1994 Freddie Starr was again the subject of tabloid newspaper attention in Britain. Thousands of pounds worth of jewellery went missing from Starr's home where a man named Robin Coxhead worked as a gardener and Coxhead was suspected of stealing it. When questioned by the police, Coxhead claimed to have given oral sex to Starr over a period of five years, and that the jewellery had been given to him as a reward. The case went to court and Coxhead was discredited when he was unable to state whether Starr's penis was circumcised or not. Coxhead was found guilty and sentenced to 15 months in prison in 1995.
Starr is a keen supporter of Everton and at the height of his television celebrity he appeared on ITVs coverage of the build up to the 1984 F A cup final, in which Everton defeated Elton John's Watford 2-0, when he appeared on the lawn outside the hotel where the Everton team were staying on the morning of the game and gave an impromptu comedy performance to the players who watched from the windows of their rooms.
Apart from the occasional guest appearance, Starr has not been seen on British television since the late 1990s. ITV's The Freddie Starr Show, broadcast between 1996 and 1998, was his last major work for the medium. His appearances on LWT's An Audience with Freddie Starr in 1996 and Another Audience with Freddie Starr in 1997 were critically acclaimed, although Starr admits in his autobiography that his television appearances often failed to capture the chaotic atmosphere of his live performances.
In 1994 he was the owner of Miinnehoma, the winning horse in the 1994 Grand National race. Starr was not present on the day because of television commitments elsewhere, but gave an unusual post race interview live on television to presenter Des Lynam via a mobile phone, with the television viewers able only to hear Lynam's responses to what Starr was saying.
In 1999, he presented the game show Beat the Crusher. In 2004 he appeared on television as one of the celebrities in the second series of the ITV1 reality show Celebrity Fit Club, where he was made team captain, but was demoted three weeks later for not taking the role seriously.
In January 2008, Starr and his wife Donna took part in Celebrity Wife Swap, exchanging with Samantha Fox and her partner Myra.
In March 2009, Starr appeared in Living with the Dead, a reality television show about people being haunted by ghosts. Freddie claimed his 1930s house was being haunted by an evil entity which he called George. During the show it appeared that he was possessed by this entity. It is later revealed that the entity's name is Roger. During the episode, Freddie says that since he was a boy he was always spiritual and firmly believed in ghosts.
Starr was due to tour in 2010, but the tour was cancelled when he suffered a major heart attack in April 2010, resulting in quadruple heart bypass surgery. The tour dates were rescheduled for 2011 after he recovered.
Starr participated in the 2011 series of I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here, but withdrew for health
Freddie Starr (born Frederick Leslie Fowell; 9 January 1943) is an English comedian who became known to the public during the 1970s. He is also an impressionist and singer, with a chart album After the Laughter and UK Top 10 single, "It's You", in March 1974 to his credit.
Starr was born in Liverpool, England. Under his real name, he appeared as a teenager in the film Violent Playground in 1958. In the early 1960s, Starr was the lead singer of the Merseybeat pop group the Midniters. The group was promoted by the manager of the Beatles, Brian Epstein, and was recorded on the Decca label by Joe Meek, the record producer of the single "Telstar". During this period Starr performed in nightclubs in Hamburg and was an acquaintance of the Beatles.
Still relatively unknown to television audiences, Starr was "discovered" through the talent show, Opportunity Knocks where he appeared as part of comedy/beat act Freddie Starr and the Delmonts. He appeared on the 1970 Royal Variety Performance. From 1972, he was one of the main performers in the television series Who Do You Do, and also a regular on the TV panel show Joker's Wild. He went on to star in his own series.
"Freddie Starr ate my hamster"
Freddie Starr was the subject of one of the best known British tabloid newspaper headlines. On 13 March 1986 The Sun carried as its main headline: FREDDIE STARR ATE MY HAMSTER. According to the text of the story, Starr had been staying at the home of Vince McCaffrey and his 23-year-old girlfriend Lea La Salle in Birchwood, Cheshire, when the incident took place. Starr was claimed to have returned home from a performance at a Manchester nightclub in the early hours of the morning and demanded that Lea La Salle make him a sandwich. When she refused, he went into the kitchen and put her pet hamster Supersonic between two slices of bread and proceeded to eat it.
Freddie Starr gives his side of the story in his 2001 autobiography Unwrapped. He says that the only time that he ever stayed at Vince McCaffrey's house was in 1979 and that the incident was a complete fabrication. Starr writes in the book: "I have never eaten or even nibbled a live hamster, gerbil, guinea pig, mouse, shrew, vole or any other small mammal". The man behind the hamster story was the British publicist Max Clifford. When asked in a television interview with Esther Rantzen some years later whether Starr really had eaten a hamster, his reply was "Of course not". Clifford was unapologetic, insisting that the story had given a huge boost to Starr's career. In May 2006 the BBC nominated "FREDDIE STARR ATE MY HAMSTER" as one of the most familiar British newspaper headlines over the last
century. Starr's frustration at being linked perpetually to the hamster story was expressed in a newspaper interview, when he commented: "I'm fed up of people shouting out 'Did you eat that hamster, Freddie?' Now I say, give me £1 and I'll tell you. Then if they give me £1, I say 'No' and walk away." Starr says that the story came about after he made an offhand joke about eating a hamster in a sandwich.

famous Sun newspaper (hoax) article about eating a Hamster + spoof Daily
Hamster mock up
MAIL 8 May 2013
The arrest arises from allegations made to Scotland Yard officers working on Operation
Yewtree, set up after Jimmy Savile was exposed as a predatory paedophile with more than 450 victims.
Police have arrested 12 men as part of the operation, including convicted paedophile Gary Glitter, comics Freddie Starr and Jim Davidson, presenter Rolf Harris and DJ Dave Lee Travis. All deny any wrongdoing and investigations are continuing.
get yourself a specialist lawyer, demand to see any evidence the police
have before making any comment, that way you can evaluate the bullshit
claims and take advice from a solicitor. All too often the cops ask a
leading question, on a presumption that what they have been told is true,
when in fact what they have been told is false and you may be in
possession of factual information to disprove that allegation - but if you
don't know what information the police have been given, how could you know
what to say? However,
sometimes it is better to keep your powder dry and force the old bill to
charge you then simply make an application to the trial judge of no case
to answer. Don't forget that the police are out to gain convictions, they
are your enemy - they are not in it for justice and they won't investigate
any leads that point to your innocence - despite the fact that their Code
of Conduct, in investigations say that they must.
one case we know of a man accused of a rape was in fact in New York at the
time of the allegation - which he rather foolishly told them. Instead of
dropping the case, the cops simply re-adjusted the date of the claim of
rape - and believe it or not gained a conviction. If the chap concerned
had kept his powder dry, he would have been charged with the date he could
prove was a lie - hence no case to answer. The cops don't play fair.
you want to keep your powder dry, tell the police that you do not want to
comment at this time pending your own investigations as to the facts, and
that you reserve the right to introduce evidence in your defence at any
trial on a without prejudice basis - that it would not be fair to comment
if not apprised of all the facts. Be careful here, or your silence when
questioned may be held against you. A transcript of your interview will be
given to a Jury. If you don't protect your defence in this way a judge may
instruct a jury that you remained silent - and from that silence an
adverse inference may be drawn.
you want any free confidential advice on this subject, you can email us,
or get your solicitor to email us to remain once removed. Ask your
solicitor to see any email from us in full. Also, see: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~safari/
of the caselaw that Safari publish have has been invaluable. For example
check out the statistics of proven false allegation cases. Such
information must go before a jury - if they proceed. Any jury must be made
to realise that it is very likely that the allegation is false, as
supported by statistics. Sexual assault claims in the Metropolitan
Police are a good indicator of the true position - about 75% of which are
false. This raises the necessary reasonable doubt, which you'll need after
David Blunkett
and other ministers took away your right to a fair hearing. Find out all
you can about your accuser. Why now? Was he promised compensation? You
case is not a million miles away from something closer to home in the
United Kingdom, that of a certain person challenging local authority, then
being convicted unjustly of
sexual charges - that if one looks at them closely, are completely out of
character. It appears to us that given the opportunity, local and national
authorities will use whatever is at their disposal to bury anyone who
dares to question their administration. Freedom of speech? Yes, but for how
don't forget that the system protects the claimant by hiding his or her
identity, when very often that identity is the key to the public
understanding why such an allegation has been made. Usually it is at the
break up of a relationship, or some other event where the motive is
revenge - typically, a woman who has been jilted will seek to attack the
party jilting her, by making a false allegation. The sad fact is that
under the present system, it matters not if someone is innocent or not.
Put a person in the dock and make the accusation, especially some time
after the claimed event, and there is no way of defending yourself. Then,
with the judge not giving the jury guidance as to unsupported allegations,
the bloke in the dock will be convicted.