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Robert Kilroy-Silk, Birmingham-born, I was
educated at the London School of Economics
and worked as a university lecturer before
becoming a Labour MP. I represented
Ormskirk in Lancashire from 1974 and
Knowsley North following the 1983 boundary
review before hosting the BBC's Kilroy
show for 18 years.
This Site will be updated with the work
Robert Kilroy-Silk carries out in the
European Parliament.
Kilroy-Silk MEP
East Midlands Region
After 17 years of debating with the public on his morning chat show,
you could argue that Robert Kilroy-Silk never really left politics.
His election as an MEP in the East Midlands takes the silver-haired
61-year-old back to the career he left to become a household name.
Born in Birmingham, Mr Kilroy-Silk was educated at the London School of
Economics and worked as a university lecturer before becoming a Labour MP.
He represented Ormskirk in Lancashire
from 1974. He later left claiming the local Labour party had been overtaken by the
Militant Tendency. He opted for safe Labour seat Knowsley North following the 1983
boundary review and served on Labour's frontbench as a home affairs
spokesman. But three years later he quit to host the BBC's Kilroy show.
Arab comments
Mr Kilroy-Silk has insisted he has no regrets about abandoning the
serious work of politics.
He once said the BBC expected him to do Newsnight or Question Time, but
that he found Kilroy "more interesting and it paid more".
It was a career that saw him brush with controversy on more than one
occasion, most famously in his Sunday Express column describing Arabs as
"suicide bombers, limb-amputators, women repressors".
While he insisted he was a right to express his views and claimed to have
widespread public support, the comments saw his show axed and him leave
the BBC. The row was not the first time the TV host has been accused of racism
or xenophobia. He has attracted criticism for comments about asylum seekers and Irish
'Victim entertainment'
The presenter's show fell foul of TV watchdogs.
In 1998 it was rapped by the Broadcasting Standards Commission for a
scene in which a guest exposed himself on live TV.
The BBC said the programme team had been "taken by surprise"
by the incident, which prompted five complaints from viewers.
Nevertheless the corporation apologised to the BSC over the incident.
In another run-in with the BSC, Mr Kilroy-Silk said the BSC's £2m
budget would be better spent on the NHS. This time, he was responding to criticism of the Kilroy show, which the
BSC had branded "victim entertainment". The presenter, who hosted the show for 17 years, said the
organisation's budget could be spent on "630 hip operations or 345
heart bypass operations".
He denounced the BSC's attitude as "patronising" to his
Further ambitions
Married with two children, Mr Kilroy-Silk's personal life has also hit
the headlines at times.
In 1990 his son Dominic was sent to Ford open prison for 10 months
after pleading guilty to a £350,000 mortgage fraud.
And five years later it was reported he had a secret love child
conceived when he was an MP.
But his return to the political fray again shows he has no desire for a
quiet life. He even declared: "I don't do humble."
He says he will consider taking over the UKIP leadership and standing
to be an MP in Westminster. His election campaign saw him quoted as saying he would spend little
time at the European Parliament if elected. If he does attend, he is unlikely to hold back when voicing his
Eurosceptic beliefs, promising to get Britain "back from
has Robert said anything about tackling council corruption yet?
as far as we know. Should he not be promising voters that he will
put a halt to the extraordinary waste of ratepayers money brought on by
corrupt planning officers. We estimate this waste to be in the order
of £10 million per council. That adds up to a tidy sum.
Enough to bail out just about every other shortage in public

Kruschandl says : "It's Time for Change"
do you think politicians need to resort to stealth taxes?
Road Tax. This tax was introduced to pay for road building, yet only
about 5% actually goes to build roads. The rest is diverted to
support other high spend areas, such as protecting crooked planning
need honest taxes for honest purposes? We need an efficient
government and an efficient local government. We do not need
dishonest local officials milking the system for their own purposes.
Building empires. We need affordable housing, decent schools, and
sensibly priced services. At the moment council tax is crippling
most folk. Not to mention the fact is is a grossly unfair tax aimed
only at people who are sitting targets.
the Robert Kilroy-Silk take control of corruption?
doubt it. But at least he starts with a clean plate and he's a
better chance than either Labour or
Conservative, simply because he is fresh to the challenge and keen to prove
his mettle. Unfortunately, it is unlikely sufficient voters have the nerve to give
Robert a chance.
be honest though, if you were to vote in anyone other than the main
parties, they couldn't do any worse. Neither the Conservatives or
New Labour have tackled white collar crime at local council level.
Both of these parties allow local council's to run riot with your money -
allow council officers to deceive councillors and torture the public by
refusing to answer reasonable questions, then threatening citizens with
legal action, even where these same planning officers know developments
are permitted, and is some cases hounding members of the public to
bankruptcy, at huge expense to the ratepayer - See Staffordshire
County Council and Brian Goodacre as
prime examples.
Lord Nolan looked into the situation he saw what we are showing you on
this website. But as soon as the awful truth emerged via a
recommendation for new criminal statute to tackle malicious use of public
funds and personal vendettas, both Conservative and New Labour hastily put
the brakes on. Cowards.
as soon as the Human Rights Act looked set to give the common man a chance
to challenge such immoral use of public money, they changed the rules
regarding Legal Aid funding, making it almost impossible to obtain
Kilroy-Silk's views about foreigners
the anti-arab rant that lost him his BBC job, Private Eye performed a
useful service by listing some of the racist nonsense Mr Kilroy-Silk has
written in his Daily Express column. The following examples of his views
about foreigners (and some fellow-Britons) are taken from that article. I
am grateful to Private Eye for permission to quote from it.
Irish. In 1992 the Daily
Express apologised for printing a Kilroy column which described Ireland
as a country peopled by peasants, priests and pixies. (9 Nov 1992.) He
has been wary of going public on the subject ever since, though a couple
of years ago his Sunday Express column included a swipe at "no-mark
countries such as Belgium and Ireland" (28 Jul 2002) -
"no-mark" being a favourite Kilroy expression of contempt.
Scots. No better than
the Irish. "The Scots suffer from a bit of an inferiority complex
when it comes to the English," Kilroy reveals (19 May 2002).
"Scotland is dying," he adds. "Between a quarter and a
third of its graduates escape every year, mostly to England!.. They
cannot bear to live in their own country" (9 Mar 2003).
"Here we go again," Kilroy sighs. "The minister
responsible for defining the British identity, Michael Wills, still
obviously feels the need to pander to the multicultural lobby, even at
the cost of making himself look ridiculous. He solemnly proclaimed:
‘The essence of being British is that you can be British and
Pakistani, British and Scottish, British and Geordie.’ What a dumbhead!...
Will someone please inform him that Scots are British, that Geordies are
British, but that Pakistanis are not. They’re Pakistanis!" (23
Dec 2001). And Kilroy takes a dim view of the Pakistanis. "Rather
than promote peace and understanding between people, the Pakistanis want
to generate hate," he writes. "But then what else can we
expect from Pakistan?" (7 Jul 2002)
Not Kilroy’s favourite race - "devious" (2 Feb 2003),
"treacherous... not to be trusted" (16 Feb 2003) and
"self-regarding" (9 Mar 2003). In short, they are utterly
unlike the British and Americans, who "can be relied upon to keep
their word and to act with altruism to a degree that would seem foolish
to the French" (13 Apr 2003).
Kilroy finds the Germans "truculent" (2 Feb 2003). As he asks:
"Is there no limit to their brazen cheek?" (13 Apr 2003).
They are "opportunist" (2 Feb 2003) and "posturing"
(9 Mar 2003). But maybe not quite as bad as the French.
No bloody good at all. "Africa’s plight is mostly the fault of
Africans," Kilroy notes (5 Oct 2003). "Most of what is good
and decent in Africa has been provided by Europe and the United
What a rabble! "They are not grateful for being liberated. They do
not appreciate that the coalition forces are attempting to build a
decent, democratic, civilised country. They certainly do not appear to
be either able or willing to contribute to its reconstruction. Why
should we put British lives on the line for this lot? They are not worth
the life of one British soldier, not one. All they seem to do is moan,
incessantly, about their lack of amenities" (29 Jun 2003).
"The barmy liberals like Diane Abbott don’t like the word
‘swamped’ when used by the Home Secretary to describe schools and
GPs’ surgeries being overrun by asylum seekers who cannot speak
English. What word would they prefer? Overwhelmed? Drowned? Submerged?
What is the problem with using proper English words to describe an
appalling situation that many British people have to put up with?"
(28 Apr 2002). But Kilroy has a solution: "It is simple enough. We
station paratroopers a mile from the British end of the [Channel]
Tunnel.. The paras herd the immigrants together and cart them off to
Dover where they are dumped on a secure slow boat to -- wherever"
(17 Mar 2002).
people in general.
"Can we ask why whites are usually better swimmers than
blacks?" Kilroy wonders (5 Jan 2003). "Can we, moreover,
articulate some other, less palatable truths: that there is, for
example, more racial prejudice within and between ethnic minorities in
Britain than there is between the white indigenous population and
immigrants? Can we acknowledge that black youths are responsible for the
majority of gun and street crime and that it is they who ought therefore
to be targeted without feeling the necessity to point out that the
majority of burglars and conmen are white?... Yes, of course we can --
and we should." Kilroy can’t stand "pushy blacks" or
"talentless blacks and Asians" (19 Aug 2001.) Or whingeing
ones: "Are you fed up of some bleating blacks and Asians blaming
their own failures on how their forefathers were exploited by the
British Empire?... Why don’t they stop whining and get a life?"
(7 Dec 2003). Not that he’s slow to defend black people when they’re
genuinely oppressed: a few years ago he took up the case of a black
motorist who was stopped by the police in Cheltenham. The man in
question was, er, Kilroy’s chauffeur.
in general. Otherwise
known as "parasitic foreigners" and "dodgy
foreigners". (2 Dec 2001). Kilroy gets very angry if anyone blames
the rise in British HIV cases on sexual promiscuity or suggests that TB
might have something to do with inadequate sanitation, bad diet,
poverty, etc. "The indigenous population is not responsible. The
diseases are being brought here by refugees, immigrants and tourists...
It is the foreigners that we have to focus on" (1 Dec 2002). And
focus he does.
"Can everyone stop blaming the British and Americans for the fact
that there are a load of thieving Arabs in Iraq?" he demands (4 May
2003). "The orgy of thieving in Iraq has more to do with the
character of the people than the absence of restraining troops." So
what is the Arab character? "There could be few starker
demonstrations of the difference between Britain and the United States
and the Arabs than the manner in which they treat their civilians and
their dead," he writes (4 Jan 2004). "While the Arabs desert
their dead soldiers in the desert to be buried with reverence by the
Americans, we go to enormous lengths to retrieve every single body...
Who says that all cultures are morally equal?" Certainly not Kilroy,
who regards the Arabs as a waste of space. "Few of them make much
contribution to the welfare of the rest of the world. Indeed, apart from
oil -- which was discovered, is produced and is paid for by the West --
what do they contribute? Can you think of anything? Anything really
useful? Anything really valuable? Something we really need, could not do
without? No, nor can I."