The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is a UK charity campaigning and working in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to, and abuse of, children.
But is this a one way stream where quite often parents and especially
substitute adults are in the firing line when relationships break up.
the departure of her "step-father" in 2006, a Sussex girl set
about formulating a plan for revenge on the single man. It was confirmed
by a friend of the girl, in the Hove Crown Court, that the accuser
studied the NSPCC, making it a project, she became engrossed in. Soon
after this, and final confirmation the man in question was not returning
to the family home, she began testing ideas with her friends. The Court
heard from her friend, that she made up stories of serious and not so
serious sexual assaults, and when pushed by her friends on more fanciful
(serious) allegations, she said she'd made them up.........
number of men are convicted each year by Juries, on the say so of such
young girls. It matters not there is no direct evidence, for
circumstantial will do with a soft Jury and a Judge summing up in a
particular way.
stories may be cemented after multiple interviews and leading questions
commonly used by social workers, can build a simple story of abuse in a
lounge, to multiple locations, linked to non-specific dates, making such
allegations nigh on impossible to disprove, and where child issues are
concerned in the United Kingdom, a
man is guilty unless proven innocent.
The first child cruelty case in Britain was brought by the RSPCA; the court charge list described the affected child as "a small animal", because at the time there were no laws in Britain to protect children from mistreatment. This case was
The NSPCC was founded in 1884 as the London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (London
SPCC) by Benjamin Waugh. After five years of campaigning by the London SPCC, Parliament passed the first ever UK law to protect children from abuse and neglect in 1889. The London SPCC was renamed the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in
1889, because by then it had branches across Great Britain and Ireland.
The NSPCC was granted its Royal Charter in 1895, when Queen Victoria became its first Royal Patron. It did not change its title to "Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children" or similar, as the name NSPCC was already well established, and to avoid confusion with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), which had already existed for more than fifty years. Today, the NSPCC works in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Channel Islands. Children 1st - formerly the Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children - is the NSPCC's equivalent in Scotland. The NSPCC's organisation in the Republic of Ireland was taken up by the newly-founded Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) in March 1954.
In February 2006, the charity ChildLine joined together with the NSPCC.
Since 2002, the Chairman of the NSPCC has been Sir Christopher Kelly KCB, formerly a senior Civil Servant. The Chief Executive is Dame Mary Marsh DBE.
The NSPCC's stated core values are based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
They are:
Children must be protected from all forms of violence and exploitation
Everyone has a responsibility to support the care and protection of children
We listen to children and young people, respect their views and respond to them directly
Children should be encouraged and enabled to fulfil their potential
We challenge inequalities for children and young people
Every child must have someone to turn to
Campaigning and controversy
The NSPCC's campaigning role has often been controversial. Indeed a report by another independent charity, New
Philanthropy Capital recently concluded that its campaigning is "flawed and naive" and that there is "zero evidence" that £250m the NSPCC has spent on its recent "Full Stop" campaign actually benefited any children.
The NSPCC also received complaints, amongst other things, for "cold" mailing young mothers with a "babies' names" booklet containing instead a detailed list of the deaths of
babies. The charity also supports mandatory sex education for all children, and has argued against the view that marriage is necessarily the only way to create stable relationships.
In recent years, the charity has faced criticism for its stance on contact visits to children following parents' separation. The NSPCC has consistently opposed an automatic right of contact for both parents, arguing that this is not necessarily in the best interests of the child. This stance has led to criticism both in parliament
and by the fathers' rights group Fathers4Justice. In fact, in 2004 the London headquarters of NSPCC were briefly invaded and occupied by Fathers4Justice supporters, claiming that the NSPCC "ignores the plight of 100 children a day who lose contact with their fathers" and that they promote a "portrayal of men as violent
The NSPCC also faced criticism for failing (along with other organizations) to do enough to help Victoria Climbié and prevent her death, and also for misleading the inquiry into her
death. It is also felt within many local authorities that the organisation does little to counteract the erroneous impression that it does most of its work in statutory child protection and is the 'first port of call'. Unless the NSPCC has a service level agreement with the relevant
Children's Services Department (rare), it has no mainstream function.
The organisation has also faced criticism for its allegedly increasing obsession with publicity and advertising, for fear mongering and supposedly fabricating or exaggerating facts and figures in its research, although these claims are generally subjective. In an article on Spiked, Frank Furedi professor of sociology at the University of Kent, branded it a "lobby group devoted to publicising its peculiar brand of anti-parent propaganda and promoting
Satanic ritual abuse scandal
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, a moral panic emerged over alleged ritual satantic abuse. The NSPCC provided publications known as 'Satanic indicators' to social services around the country causing many social workers to panic and make false accusations. The most prominent of these cases was in Rochdale in 1990 when a total of 12 children were taken from their homes and parents after social services believed them to be involved in satanic or occult ritual abuse. The allegations were later found out to be false. The case was the subject of a BBC documentary which featured recordings of the interviews made by NSPCC social workers, revealing that flawed techniques and leading questions were used to gain evidence of abuse from the children. Critics claim that the social services were wrongly convinced, by organisations such as the NSPCC, that abuse was occurring and so rife that they made allegations before any evidence was
Henry Ansgar, Chaucer and the Cult of Saint Valentine (Brill
Academic Publishers, 1997), ISBN 90-04-07849-5. Kelly gives the
saint's day of the Genoese Valentine as May 3 and also claims that
Richard's engagement was announced on this day. www.iol.co.za/general/newsview
free documentation license
the NSPCC.
Stop Missing", The
Guardian, 2006-10-03.
enter charity offices", BBC, 2004-11-15.
Needs To Be Stopped. Full Stop. The
Guardian (2002-02-19).
Frank (2004-01-19). A
danger to the nation's children. Spiked
Dolan (2006-01-12). A
full stop to the Satanic panic. Spiked.
commission registration
Watch Foundation
Staker works for the Child Protection Unit in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
He was the officer involved in the so-called Herstmonceux Bunny Boiler case
heard in February 2008.
of our readers will know that hundreds of men each year (many teachers)
suffer accusations from girls with a grudge, many of which turn out to
be false and revenge motivated. Until there is a change in the law, to
make the Jury system less prone to Guilty verdicts, where the men
accused are in fact innocent, many more lives will be ruined.....
- Z of Sussex officer investigations
Jane Gallagher
Ken Macdonald QC
above is just a few of a number of persons likely to be investigated in
respect of certain cases brought against Wealden Action Group members, on
the instigation of known Masons, councillors, or planning officers, many
of which are themselves Masons.