you know that someone is suffering abuse, these organisations may help.
Equally, if you know that someone has made a false allegation, and maybe
that allegations has wrongly sent a man or woman to prison, then you
should tell someone.
Sexual and physical abuse organisations
Ann Craft Trust (formerly NAPSAC)
Ann Craft Trust (ACT) is a national charity dedicated to safeguarding vulnerable adults and disabled children from abuse. ACT works to ensure that organisations which support children and adults are aware of abuse and safeguarding issues. Provide services to raise professional awareness and increase the knowledge and skills so that the risk of abuse is reduced.
CCPAS - Churches Child Protection Advisory Service
Training, resources, advice and support in all areas of child protection and good working practice for churches, other faith-based and non-faith based organisations working with children and for anyone affected by child abuse/protection issues. 24 hour helpline.
Helpline for children and young people in danger or distress. Telephone counselling for any child with any problem. Provides support and advice and refers children in danger to appropriate helping agencies. Freepost address for children at ChildLine, Freepost NATN1111, London E1 6BR. Also runs The Line for children living away from home 0800 884444 (Mon-Fri 3.30pm-9.30pm, Sat and Sun 2pm-8pm).
Children Are Unbeatable! Alliance
Alliance of over 600 organisations campaigning for children to have the same legal protection against being hit as adults, and promoting non-violent discipline. Information, advice and signposting.
Support services for adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Weekly helpline. Group meetings twice a month for incest survivors (£2 attendance fee). Regular workshops focusing on particular topics, open to both incest survivors and survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Annual residential workshop (charges made). Quarterly newsletter. Training seminars and conferences for professionals.
DABS - Directory and Book Services
Telephone information and mail order book service for survivors of childhood abuse, including sexual abuse, and their supporters, parents of sexually abused children, professionals. Produce a national resource directory (£15), resource packs for survivors (£8.50) and specialist book lists.
DABS Pathfinder Service
Information for adult survivors of rape and childhood abuse, their families, carers and helping professionals. Information on national and local support agencies, details of available literature. Information for press/media on abuse.
Directory and Book Services (DABS)
A comprehensive resource of information and support for all those concerned with abuse and sexual violence including all survivors of rape and childhood abuse, domestic abuse, their families, carers and helping professionals. Information on national and local support agencies, details of available literature. Information for press/media on abuse.
Eighteen and Under
Support, information and a helpline for young people under 18 who have experienced any type of abuse. Abuse prevention, training and awareness work. Also consultancy for statutory and voluntary agencies. Izzy's promise for survivors of ritual abuse - www.izzyspromise.org.uk and www.rans.org.uk
Everyman Project
Counselling for men who want to stop their angry, violent or abusive behaviour. Advice line for anyone concerned about a man's violence. Support service for partners. Organisations requesting information - send SAE.
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