SSSIs - Are they an accurate reflection of the current situation, or a convenient tool for local authorities?




Wartling in East Sussex was important during World War Two


It looks like just another hill in the Sussex countryside, but the hill to the right at Wartling in East Sussex, is manmade. The early warning radar station was used to thwart Hitler's plans.





Local MP Greg Barker pledged to fight to protect the Pevensey Levels after listening to local residents from Wartling and the surrounding area who are concerned about new, potentially damaging developments on the marsh.

In a meeting at the Reid Hall in Boreham Street on Friday, Greg met landowners, residents and members of the local Parish Councils to hear their serious concerns over the land use on the Pevensey Levels, a site of Special Scientific Interest.

Greg explained that he will work with Natural England, the Environment Agency and the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to do all he can to ensure that the marshland, also an internationally recognised ‘Ramsar’ site, will not be damaged, or the flora and fauna that live there put at risk.

Speaking from Pevensey, Greg said: “The Pevensey Levels are a unique and special environment. We are their custodians for the next generation and I will fight shoulder to shoulder with local people to protect them from inappropriate building, planting and development.”


The above article on Mr Barker's website, appears to confirm that this prosecution was politically, and judging by the Youtube on Planning Outlaws, racially motivated. We wonder then if Greg Barker should have become involved and why the Police are not taking any action against what seems to us to be incitement to racial hatred? Some of the comments that are recorded as potential evidence, are rather hard to explain any other way. What a shame that Gregory is not so opinionated when it comes to protecting the historic built environment and the rights of farmers to farm their land. The Levels at Pevensey were of course home to RAF Pevensey and RAF Wartling, meaning that what has subsequently been classified as a site of scientific interest, is more likely to have come about from man's intervention in World War Two. Natural England seem to want to ignore our fight against one of the most famous dictators of all time: Adolf Hitler.





The term ‘Pevensey Levels’ refers to the low-lying area between Eastbourne and Bexhill in East Sussex. It is a wetland of national and international conservation importance and 37 per cent of the National Character Area (NCA) is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and Ramsar site. The Levels are predominantly rural and mostly grazed pasture, and consist of extensive drainage networks and flood plain. The NCA also includes the urban centre of Eastbourne which is a busy seaside town with a population of nearly 100,0004 and up to 5 million visitors each year. A coastline of shingle beach stretches along the length of the area, punctuated by settlements, historic military buildings and sea defence structures.

The area is framed by the steep scarp of the South Downs in the west and the higher ground of the High Weald in the north, with views of the English Channel to the south. Much of the Pevensey Levels was under water until the medieval period and the whole area is low lying and vulnerable to the effects of climate change, particularly coastal flooding. Sea defences consist mainly of open beach managed by periodic shingle replenishments, maintenance of groynes, recycling of material around the beach and re-profiling during and after storms. In the long term, these measures may need reviewing as sea levels rise. Managing the environmentally important Pevensey Levels is dependent on careful and continuous water management through a system of sluices and pumps.


Recently, the pumping arrangements have failed leading to flooding. This has not been adequately addressed and the population of Lapwings is not as stated when the area was classified in 1990. The whole Unit should therefore be re-assessed as a matter of some urgency.





Wealden has a terrible reputation when it comes to discrimination. The pattern emerging seems to be that they target gypsies who own land and foreigners. The Wealden Action Group was formed in the 1990s to keep an eye open for planning favors, which of course means unfavorable treatment for others. Pevensey Levels is an area where we suspect foul play.


The tactics involve all the agencies working together to apply pressure to the unlucky recipient. It matters not one bit if such use of authority is lawful, nor if it is waste of the taxpayers money.


NCA Profile:124 Pevensey Levels (NE478)


The levels at Pevensey are criss-crossed with access tracks, bunkers and other concrete and brick buildings, many of which are sub-surface.




This area had been designated of scientific interest, with little regard to the industrial archaeology remaining from Word War Two and the Cold War that followed. RAF Wartling was a significant subterranean installation to provide early warning of bombing raids and the like.



Staff member responsible for SSSI unit: Cath Jackson

Unit ID: 1030523

Unit area: 130 hectares

Main habitat: Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland

Condition: Unfavourable recovering

Latest assessment date: 17 September 2012

Condition assessment comment: Condition for Pevensey Levels is accorded on a whole-site basis. The condition is unfavourable recovering because: a significant area of the site is in agri-environment scheme therefore appropriate management is in place; water levels will be addressed through implementation of the Water Level Management Plan; alien species present will be addressed through invasive weed strategy. 




Solicitors for Natural England, invisible vultures that prey on unsuspecting farmers, using all manner or ruses to obtain land charges - in the hope that Natural England might bankrupt the unwary and obtain their lands.





Status: Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) notified under Section 28 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Part of this site has been designated a National Nature Reserve under Section 16 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949.

Local Planning Authority: WEALDEN DISTRICT COUNCIL, Rother District Council

National Grid Ref: TQ 650070 Area: 3501.0 (ha.) 8650.9 (ac.)

Ordnance Survey Sheets 1:50,000: 199 1:10,000: TQ 60 SW, TQ 60 SE, TQ 60 NW, TQ 60 NE, TQ 61 SW, TQ 61 SE, TQ 70 NW

Date Notified (Under 1949 Act): 


1977 Date Notified (Under 1981 Act): 1990

Other Information:

This site is listed in ‘A Nature Conservation Review’ and part is a National Nature Reserve.

Reasons for Notification:

Pevensey Levels is a large area of low-lying grazing meadows intersected by a complex system of ditches which show a wide variety of form and species composition and support important communities of wetland flora and fauna. The site supports one nationally rare and several nationally scarce aquatic plants and many nationally rate
invertebrates. Ornithologically, the site is of national importance as the number of wintering lapwings has regularly exceeded 1% of the total British population in recent years.

Geologically, the Levels are located where impervious Weald Clay reaching the coast has been overlain by superficial alluvial deposits. In places, however, the Weald Clay itself forms out-crops, as at Hooe Eye, and Tunbridge Wells Sands reach the surface occasionally, as on part of Horse Level. Once an area of intertidal mud flats, the Levels have developed in turn to salt marsh and fresh water marsh. This process has been aided by the deposition of shingle beach deposits, by the process of longshore drift, along the present coastline. This shingle ridge now protects the Levels from sea water inundation, since most of the site lies below the level of highest tide. Past intersection of the marshes by a series of ditches has created the present-day area of rich grazing meadows.

The ditch system facilitates removal of surface water to enable successful stock grazing, at the same time acting as a network of ‘wet fences’ and as a source of stock drinking water. Maintenance of the ditches is necessary to continue efficient execution of these functions and also creates a wide variety of ditch types from intensively or 
recently dredged ditches to neglected ones. In this way a wide variety of floral conditions prevail and the specific requirements of certain invertebrates are always catered for. Following the dredging of a clogged ditch a distinct successional pattern occurs. First, floating and submerged aquatic plants such as duckweeds Lemna sp, pondweeds Potamogeton sp, or water fern Azolla sp, colonize. 


These are followed by larger, floating or emergent plants such as frog-bit Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, bur reed Sparganium erectum and arrow-head Sagittaria sagittifolia. Finally, common reed Phragmites australis becomes dominant at the expense of most other species. If left undredged the ditches may dry up and become scrubbed over with drastic effects on plant and animal diversity.

The most species-rich ditches show a varied structure and a good mixture of both open water and emergent species. The broad-leaved pondweed Potamogeton natans and frog-bit are abundant, whilst the nationally rare* sharp-leaved pondweed Potamogeton acutifolius (RDB:** Vulnerable) is of particular importance. Other open
water species include ivy-duckweed Lemna trisulca and the nationally scarce + water-soldier Stratiotes aloides and flat-stalked pondweed Potamogeton friesii. Numerous other pondweeds are found here including shining pondweed Potamogeton lucens, curled pondweed P. crispus and blunt-leaved pondweed P. obtusifolius. Emergents of interest include the nationally scarce greater water-parsnip Sium latifolium and river water-dropwort Oenanthe fluviatilis . These very species-rich ditches are largely confined to gravity-drained areas within the site.

The main arterial channels, which carry drainage water from the Levels to the sea, are generally poor in vegetation, both in number of species and cover. Submerged and floating species such as common duckweed Lemna minor and greater duckweed Lemna polyrhiza predominate with the nationally scarce spineless hornwort Ceratophyllum submersum and the nationally scarce pondweed Potamogeton trichoides also present. Ditches surrounding and within arable areas support relatively few open-water species and tend to be characterised by the presence of water plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica and bur-reed. They are often fringed with hard rush Juncus inflexus and jointed rush J. articulatus.

Rich bankside floras support the nationally scarce marshmallow Althaea officinalis, ragged robin Lychnis flos-cuculi, water mint Mentha aquatica and cuckoo flower Cardamine pratensis. Most of the fields are improved rye grass Lolium perenne leys with occasional creeping bent Agrostis stolonifera.

Woodland dividing the modern main Pevensey to Middle Bridge Road from the old road parallel to it is dominated by mature crack willow Salix fragilis with hawthorn Crataegus monogyna and elder Sambucus nigra scrub. Closed canopies have a sparse ground cover of ground ivy Glechoma hederacea and nettle Urtica dioica. This area is of importance for moths.

An area of shingle and intertidal muds and sands is included within the site. Although the shingle is largely bereft of vegetation, yellow horned-poppy Glaucium flavum, sea campion Silene maritima and the nationally scarce sea-kale Crambe maritima do occur; there is also a record for pyramidal orchid Anacamptis pyramidalis.

The site supports outstanding invertebrate populations and is a top national site for Molluscs and aquatic Coleoptera. Indeed, the site is perhaps the best in Britain for freshwater Mollusc fauna. A ramshorn snail Segmentina nitida (RDB: Endangered), is found in well-oxygenated drains with lush vegetation. Particularly widespread and abundant on this site is an aquatic snail Valvata macrostoma (RDB: Vulnerable). 


Of the many species of water beetle recorded at the site, the most interesting are confined to the ditches in areas of permanent pasture. Of particular interest is Britain’s largest water beetle, the great silver water beetle Hydrophilus piceus (RDB: Rare) which is found only on grazed levels in the southern part of Britain. Also of importance is Bagous puncticollis (RDB: Endangered), found on Horse Eye Level and several nationally rare water beetles such as the small reddish-brown Hydrovatus clypealis (RDB: Rare) confined to the coast of southern England.

Over fifteen species of dragonfly (Odonata) have been recorded including the nationally scarce species, hairy dragonfly Brachytron pratense and variable damselfly Coenagrion pulchellum . Survey has also revealed Britain’s only known location of Placobdella costata (provisional RDB), a large leech which feeds on the blood of vertebrates. One of Britain’s largest spiders Dolomedes plantarius (RDB: Endangered) has also been recorded.

The site is of national importance for its wintering lapwing Vanellus vanellus which exceed 1% of the total British population. The numbers of snipe Gallinago gallinago may also be of national importance but exact data relating to the country’s wintering population is as yet unavailable. Wintering golden plover Pluvialis apricaria are of local significance and in some years are of national importance. Sedge warblers Acrocephalus schoenobaenus and reed warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus which nest in scrub close to water and reeds in the ditches respectively, breed in numbers of local significance. The site also supports about one fifth of the breeding yellow wagtails Motacilla flava in Sussex.








The above document has not been updated with fresh information as to migration and nesting, given the climate change from global warming in the intervening 23 years since 1990. It is unclear if the 1977 notification was reassessed in 1990 - with the benefit of proper collated figures as to actual levels of populations, or, whether the notification was simply rubber stamped for convenience.


Either way, where prosecutions are being based on out of date statistics and use, those prosecutions are poorly found and may well be an abuse of process.




Fen Raft Spider


Reed Warbler

Sedge Warbler

Yellow Wagtails




Poul Christensen CBE

Mr Poul Christensen CBE - Chair - Date appointed: December 2006

Date appointed as Chair: 3 December 2009 - Appointed until: 31 December 2013


Poul was appointed Chair of Natural England on 3 December 2009. He was Deputy Chair of Natural England from 2006 and served as Acting Chair following the death of Sir Martin Doughty in March 2009.


He is a director of a successful family dairy farming business at Kingston Hill Farm, in Oxfordshire. He has a long track record of integrating conservation with the demands of modern farming.


Throughout his career Poul has taken a prominent role leading the farming sector through changing and challenging times. He is the joint founder of the Tenant Farmers’ Association, established in 1981 to provide a voice for tenant farmers. He was previously Chairman of Milk Marque in the late 1990s, steering the dairy sector through a period of significant change, Chair of the Rural Development Service until 2006, overseeing the launch of modern Environmental Stewardship schemes, and a member of the Defra Management Board before taking up the appointment of Chair at Natural England.


He is currently a Director of Agricultural Central Trading Limited, a farmer supply cooperative and is a Board member of the UK’s Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Poul was elected as President Elect of the National Federation Of Young Farmers' Clubs, in April 2012, and in the same month was advanced as a Fellow of the Royal Agricultural Societies (FRAgS). He received the Commander of the Order of the British Empire in the Queen's Birthday Honours List in 1991 for services to agriculture and the commercial development of the Agricultural Development Advisory Service (ADAS).




Solicitors for Natural England brought farming to a halt on Pevensey Levels, then sent a letter claiming that they had no intention of stopping farming. What utter rubbish. They say one thing and do another. Hypocrisy is ingrained in most local authorities so much that they almost believe their own line of twaddle.



Professor David Hill


Professor David Hill - Deputy Chair

Appointed: 2 May 2006 - Until: 31 March 2014


David was appointed Deputy Chair in February 2011 and has been a member of Natural England’s Board since 2 May 2006.


His responsibilities include: Northumberland and Yorkshire Dales National Parks, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (as Board member), Natural England’s Science Advisory Committee and Audit and Risk Committee, and the Natural England, Environment Agency and Forestry Commission Joint Sub-group.


David has significant experience in consultancy, nature conservation and company business strategy. He runs an ecological consultancy company, is Chairman of The Environment Bank Ltd and was previously Chief Scientific Adviser to RPS Group plc. Over the past three years he has been actively involved in promoting environmental markets to provide new and innovative ways of mitigating for impacts on ecosystem services arising from development, industry and corporate businesses.


David is a Fellow and past President of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. He has published extensively on ecological issues over the past 25 years. David is a member of the Government’s Ecosystem Markets Taskforce. David is a member of the RSPB, BTO, Norfolk Wildlife Trust and a life member of the National Trust.


Pevensey marsh is littered with WWII buildings, most of which are underground


William Cockbain


Mr William Cockbain

Appointed: 1 October 2011 - Until: 30 September 2014


Responsibilities from 1 October 2011 include: land management, agriculture and the uplands, Lake District, Peak District and North York Moors National Parks.


William Cockbain farms a large hill farm in the Lake District as part of a family partnership. He was NFU National Uplands spokesman from 2004 until March 2012 when he stood down after 8 years.  


In 2006 he was appointed as Defra’s North West Sustainable Food and Farming Champion, a position held until the end of March 2011. He chairs the new Rural and Farming Networks, for Cumbria, North and East Lancashire, and was made an Associate of the Royal Agricultural Societies for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2008 for services to hill farming.





Catherine Graham-Harrison OBE


Ms Catherine Graham-Harrison OBE

Appointed: 1 January 2009 - Until: 31 December 2014


Responsibilities from 30 September 2011 include: Protected Landscapes, with special responsibility for the South Downs and New Forest National Parks, and transport and development. Member of the Audit and Risk Committee until 30 September 2011.


Until 2011, Catherine worked as a Management Consultant, mainly in the not for profit sector, focusing on philanthropy; strategic planning; governance and organisational development.


Prior to that, she was a Vice President of Citibank and then Chief Executive of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. She has held a large number of non executive positions over the past 20 years including being on the board of the Heritage Lottery Fund and a trustee of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.


Catherine has been Chair of the National Forest Company since April 2011 and was appointed Chair of the National Trust Architecture Panel with effect from 1 February 2011.




Natural England told this farmer that he could build a bridge from one side of his pond to another, then made him lower it twice - without specifying a height of build. Finally, after pushing the issue, Sue Beale took advice from solicitors and then (only then) said 10cm. Why didn't Natural England say this in the beginning, rather than use this point as an excuse to prosecute the farmer. We say the reason is obvious, they set the farmer up for a fall. Is that then a malicious prosecution?



Joe Horwood


Dr Joe Horwood

Appointed: 1 October 2009 - Until: 30 September 2015


Responsibilities include: Lead Board member for marine and the Broads Authority. Member of the Audit and Risk Committee (until 30 September 2011), Natural England Science Advisory Committee, Marine Protected Areas sub-group on the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Natural England, Environment Agency and Forestry Commission Joint Sub-group (ceased July 2012).


Joe Horwood has a background in mathematics and zoology applied in marine ecology and resource management. Former Chief Science Advisor at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), but retaining a role as Non-Executive Director and Chair of CEFAS’ Science Advisory Committee. He has been a member of the Board of the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) since 1998 and was President of ICES from 2006 to 2009. He was also on the Board of the Marine Biological Association from 1998 to 2001.


He has served on the science advisory committees of the International Whaling Commission, ICES and the EC, and on the UK’s Marine Science Co-ordination Committee. He is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, and of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, and a member of the British Ecological Society, the Challenger Society and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. He has published on a variety of marine issues including whales, fisheries and marine protected areas.




Solicitors for Natural England forced farming to come to a halt, where they insisted that this farmer remove his deer proof barrier. Not only that, but they then refused to indemnify the farmer - knowing only too well that his herd of deer would then be free to escape, and that is exactly what happened. We say that such abuses of a position of trust does Natural England no favours in the long term. Their short term objective to cause the farmer huge losses, so that farming became untenable, is nothing short of bullying and discriminatory practices.



Doug Hulyer


Mr Doug Hulyer

Appointed: 2 May 2006 (reappointed 1 June 2011) - Until: 31 May 2014


Responsibilities include: Exmoor and Dartmoor National Parks, access and engagement, management for biodiversity, and climate change adaptation. Member of the Natural England, Environment Agency and Forestry Commission joint sub-group.


Doug is an independent advisor for the heritage and natural environment sector. He was previously the Director of Conservation, Programmes and Developments for the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, and prior to moving to Slimbridge in 1984, one of the first Education Officers in the Wildlife Trust network.


Doug is a committed environmentalist, environmental educator and conservationist with over 30 year’s professional experience. He is a Trustee of the National Heritage Memorial Fund/Heritage Lottery Fund, a member of HLF’s South West Committee, and Chair of the NHMF Audit Committee.

Doug is currently Vice-President of the Surrey Wildlife Trust, a member of the Learning & Visitor Experience Panel of the National Trust, and a Fellow of the Society of Biology.   He is a Trustee of Earth Trust, Oxfordshire (HLS received) and Woodchester Mansion Trust (within SSSI).


He also holds memberships in Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, English Heritage, Wildfowl & Wetland Trust, The National Trust, Freshwater Biological Association, and the Institute of Directors, The Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management, Royal Horticultural Society, IUCN – Commission on Education and Communication and the National Trust.


In June 2008, Doug ceased his position as Chairman of the Wetland Vision project. Doug was a Council Member for English Nature between 2002-2006, before taking up the appointment of Board Member for Natural England.




And yet more farm animals that no longer have a farm to stay on. Natural England have done all within their power to bring about a halt to farming on the Pevensey Levels. It's nothing short of economic vandalism. And, look at all the smiling faces on this page. Would they be laughing if someone did this to them?



Professor David Macdonald


Professor David Macdonald

Appointed: 2 May 2006 (reappointed 1 June 2011) - Until: 30 September 2014


Responsibilities include: Chair of Natural England’s Science Advisory Committee and biodiversity (land use issues).

David is the Professor of Wildlife Conservation and the Director (and founder) of the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Zoology Department at Oxford University. He is also Chairman of the Darwin Advisory Committee, Defra and Chairman of Earthwatch UK.


David was awarded the 2004 Dawkins Prize for contributions to wildlife conservation. In 2006 he was awarded the Merriam Medal for outstanding contributions to mammalian research by the American Society of Mammalogists and in 2007 he was awarded the equivalent medal of Britain’s Mammal Society and in 2010 the Zoological Society of London’s Silver Medal. In 2008, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. In 2010 he was appointed Commander of the British Empire for services to Natural Science.


He is also Senior Research Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, a Board Member of the World Wildlife Fund.

David was a Council Member for English Nature from 2003-2006, before taking up the appointment of Board Member for Natural England.


Nigel Reader CBE


Mr Nigel Reader CBE

Appointed: 1 June 2011 - Until: 31 May 2014


Responsibilities include: Chair of Natural England’s Audit and Risk Committee from 1 October 2011.

Nigel is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and is a Chartered Global Management Accountant and has held a number of senior financial positions, including as Director of Finance for the National Rivers Authority and the Environment Agency. He has been a member of HM Treasury’s Financial Reporting and Advisory Board and a member of the Prince of Wales’ Accounting for Sustainability Advisory Group.


He served as a member of the board of trustees of the international development charity WaterAid from 1999 until 2011 and is a consultant for them (occasional). 


He is currently a board member for both the Marine Management Organisation and Natural Resources Wales and also chairs their Audit & Risk Committees.


Andy Wilson


Mr Andy Wilson

Appointed: 1 January 2009 - Until: 31 December 2014


Responsibilities include:  Member of Audit and Risk Committee from 1 October 2011; and climate change mitigation (renewable forms of energy).


Andy Wilson has been Chief Executive of the North York Moors National Park Authority since March 2000 during which time the Authority has won a series of awards for customer service, training and work on climate change. Prior to that, he worked for seven years at the Northumberland National Park. Earlier in his career he worked for the Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), where he produced a series of influential reports on farming and the environment. He has numerous relations who farm in the Yorkshire Dales


Andy is a member of the RSPB, and was a member of the Yorkshire and Humber Assembly Sustainable Development Board until April 2009.





Andrew (Andy) Hopkin, Browne Jacobson LLP, solicitors 


Andy Hopkin, Browne Jacobson LLP, solicitors

Jonathan Mitchell, Ropewalk Chambers




Sites of Special Scientific Interest
SSSI units for Pevensey Levels

View the entire site with MAGIC

See the SSSI glossary for an explanation of terms.

Click the unit number to view details about the unit:
Unit number Unit area (Ha) Main habitat National Grid reference MAGIC
Unit 201 125 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ609101 View Map
Unit 202 96 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ615094 View Map
Unit 203 108 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ616087 View Map
Unit 204 47 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ607083 View Map
Unit 205 92 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ623080 View Map
Unit 206 74 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ611078 View Map
Unit 207 89 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ617073 View Map
Unit 208 111 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ608069 View Map
Unit 209 131 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ624064 View Map
Unit 210 122 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ626103 View Map
Unit 211 102 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ627092 View Map
Unit 212 71 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ635096 View Map
Unit 213 136 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ643090 View Map
Unit 214 94 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ629079 View Map
Unit 215 56 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ637082 View Map
Unit 216 74 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ631071 View Map
Unit 217 94 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ635063 View Map
Unit 218 119 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ642070 View Map
Unit 219 121 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ644059 View Map
Unit 220 36 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ643050 View Map
Unit 221 85 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ649082 View Map
Unit 222 96 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ646077 View Map
Unit 223 130 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ660077 View Map
Unit 224 68 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ674106 View Map
Unit 225 96 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ677104 View Map
Unit 226 95 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ669079 View Map
Unit 227 81 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ656069 View Map
Unit 228 147 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ656060 View Map
Unit 229 126 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ659053 View Map
Unit 230 142 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ669058 View Map
Unit 231 71 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ679059 View Map
Unit 232 128 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ685063 View Map
Unit 233 17 Supralittoral sediment TQ694059 View Map
Unit 234 125 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ675070 View Map
Unit 235 100 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ679077 View Map
Unit 236 82 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ690070 View Map
Unit 237 97 Fen, marsh and swamp - lowland TQ701066 View Map










Natural England people

Gregory Barker greg-pledges-to-fight-for-protection-of-pevensey-levels









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