Robert (Bob) Standley (left) - A team player? Yes. Because any elected
official has to be to scale the mountain. But does that extend to covering up the
inconvenient truth, or are the officers pulling the wool over his eyes?
Kruschandl (right) - is a victim of council discrimination, Human
Rights violations and other (possibly Masonic)
abuses. This appears to be institutionalized, where all
departments of WDC were put on alert to cover up past lies - and that implicates all
of the staff that go along with it.
We were expecting to see a reply from Mr Standley, but instead Kelvin
Williams replied. What has Kelvin Williams got to do with hiring
staff? See another letter to Cllr Standley on that issue below dated the
1st of February 2014.
IS LEADING WHO - Councillor Robert Standley is still the Leader of
this Council. How is that possible in a democracy? The Representation of
the People and Local Government Acts have this to say about pecuniary
interests and banning from standing at local elections:
of the People Act 1983 - 1983 CHAPTER 2
Section - 159 Candidate reported guilty of corrupt or illegal practice
(1) If a candidate who has been elected is reported by an election court
personally guilty or guilty by his agents of any corrupt or illegal
practice his election shall be void.
(2) A candidate at a parliamentary election shall also be incapable from
the date of the report of being elected to and sitting in the House of
Commons for the constituency for which the election was held or any
constituency which includes the whole or any part of the area of the
first-mentioned constituency as constituted for the purposes of the
(a) if reported personally guilty of a corrupt practice, for ten years;
(b) if reported guilty by his agents of a corrupt practice or personally
guilty of an illegal practice, for seven years;
(c) if reported guilty by his agents of an illegal practice, during the
Parliament for which the election was held.
(3) A candidate at an election under the local government Act shall also
be incapable from the date of the report of holding any corporate office
in the local government area for which the election was held, or in any
local government area which includes the whole or any part of the area
of the first-mentioned local government area as constituted for the
purposes of the election, or, if the election was in Scotland, of
holding any corporate office in Scotland—
(a) if reported personally guilty of a corrupt practice, for ten years,
(b) if reported guilty by his agents of a corrupt practice, for three
(c) if reported personally guilty or guilty by his agents of an illegal
practice, during the period for which the candidate was elected to serve
or for which if elected he might have served,
and if at the date of the report he holds any such corporate office,
then the office shall be vacated as from that date. In this subsection
" corporate office " in England and Wales means the office of
chairman, mayor or councillor of a county, London borough, district or
parish or community council or of chairman of a parish or community
meeting; and in Scotland the office of councillor of any local
(4) The provisions of this section as to the consequences of the report
that a candidate was guilty by his agents of a corrupt or illegal
practice have effect subject to the express provisions of this Act
relating to particular acts which are declared to be corrupt or illegal
Local Government Act 1972 -
94 Disability of members of authorities for voting on account of
interest in contracts, etc.
(1) Subject to the provisions of section 97 below, if a member of a
local authority has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any
contract, proposed contract or other matter, and is present at a meeting
of the local authority at which the contract or other matter is the
subject of consideration, he shall at the meeting and as soon as
practicable after its commencement disclose the fact and shall not take
part in the consideration or discussion of the contract or other matter
or vote on any question with respect to it.
(2) If any person fails to comply with the provisions of subsection (1)
above he shall for each offence be liable on summary conviction to a
fine not exceeding [F1level 4 on the standard scale] unless he proves
that he did not know that the contract, proposed contract or other
matter in which he had a pecuniary interest was the subject of
consideration at that meeting.
(3) A prosecution for an offence under this section shall not be
instituted except by or on behalf of the Director of Public
(4) A local authority may by standing orders provide for the exclusion
of a member of the authority from a meeting of the authority while any
contract, proposed contract or other matter in which he has a pecuniary
interest, direct or indirect, is under consideration.
95 Pecuniary interests for purposes of section 94.
(1) For the purposes of section 94 above a person shall be treated,
subject to the following provisions of this section and to section 97
below, as having indirectly a pecuniary interest in a contract, proposed
contract or other matter, if —
(a) he or any nominee of his is a member of a company or other body with
which the contract was made or is proposed to be made or which has a
direct pecuniary interest in the other matter under consideration; or
(b) he is a partner, or is in the employment, of a person with whom the
contract was made or is proposed to be made or who has a direct
pecuniary interest in the other matter under consideration.
(2) Subsection (1) above does not apply to membership of or employment
under any public body, and a member of a company or other body shall not
by reason only of his membership be treated as having an interest in any
contract, proposed contract or other matter if he has no beneficial
interest in any securities of that company or other body.
(3) In the case of married persons living together the interest of one
spouse shall, if known to the other, be deemed for the purpose of
section 94 above to be also an interest of the other.
[F1(4) In the case of civil partners living together the interest of one
civil partner, shall, if known to the other, be deemed for the purpose
of section 94 above to be also an interest of the other.]
- That appears to disqualify a large number of our members from voting,
but will the voting stop? We doubt it. Members should be in no doubt
from reading the above that they should leave the chamber when an item they have an interest in
is next on the Agenda.
Councillor Robert Standley
Party: Conservative
Ward: Wadhurst
Leader of the council
Mayfield Lane
East Sussex
Telephone: 01892 783579
Download Councillor Robert Standley contact details as VCard
Download Councillor Robert Standley contact details as a CSV file
Cllr Bob Standley — Leader; also responsible for Finance and Policy.
Cllr Claire Dowling — Corporate Services and Deputy Leader.
Cllr Jan Dunk — Corporate Assets.
Cllr Rowena Moore — Waste Management.
Cllr Roy Galley — Planning & Development.
Cllr Graham Wells — Affordable Housing.
Cllr Johanna Howell — Community and Voluntary Sector.
Cllr Jonica Fox was re-elected Chairman of the Council unopposed
Brian Redman was elected vice-chairman
The following positions were also approved by Full Council:
Chairman of the Licensing Committee: Cllr Susan
Chairman of the Community and Environment Scrutiny Committee: Cllr David Larkin
Chairman of Internal and Audit Scrutiny Committee: Cllr Huw Merriman.
Chairman of Planning Committee North: Cllr Ann Newton.
Chairman of Planning Committee South: Cllr Barby
Chairman of the Personnel Committee: Cllr Claire
Chairman of the Standards Committee: Cllr Lin Clark (from 1 July).

Robert Standley in front of the den on iniquity that is this corrupt
administration has become. Any council that knowingly continues to
employ staff that have lied to the public, to the courts and falsified
evidence, must sack those people and report their offences to the
authorities. If any council does not, it becomes party to those
Councillor Standley,
a member of a council responsible for a great many historic towns and
villages, and also caretaker of the public purse, could I ask you to be
especially vigilant against maladministration within the Wealden
District Council.
is my experience that your council has allowed some departments to run
riot with taxpayers money. Some officers have used council
resources for their own goals and as a playground for acts of
impropriety, sometimes to cover up mistakes, and other times to
pursue agendas for profit or personal ambitions and desires.
officers have persistently lied to government planning inspectors
concerning The Old Steam House in Lime
Park. [now Herstmonceux Museum]
took me more than 20 years to reach an understanding with
your council about the Generating Station at Herstmonceux, then having
signed a Court Order by way of Agreement, accepting that the buildings
are historic and that your officers deceived the Secretary
of State, they then breached that contract and once again denied
must know that this is a serious breach of my Human Rights -
discrimination run wild. It looks to me as though this may be to allow a
resident in Lime Park to purchase the historic buildings at an
undervalue - which of course constitutes fraud under the Fraud Act 2006.
I recall that David Phillips was in written communication with
solicitors to Peter and June Townley, residents in Lime Park for many
years, suggesting that they might benefit from use of these historic
buildings - clear discrimination. What was wrong with my occupation? Why
should any person have preference to another?
I hope
you agree that we cannot afford to let situations like this go
unchecked. It is the duty of every law abiding member to report
suspected crime within their council. Should any member not report
suspected crime, then they become party to that crime and vicariously
were elected to represent the community, not the officers. You were
elected to run the council to the best of your ability, and to stamp our
corruption and discrimination - a clear violation of my rights and a
Human Rights abuse using a position of authority - which makes it all
the worse. It is your duty to
conserve the historic built and natural environments. It is also
your duty to seek to secure adequate services, education, policing and
health care.
are particularly difficult times, where public funding is under scrutiny
against local issues, terrorism and global warming are serious
international issues that should be targeted for spending, rather than
waste money trying to cover up the inevitable publication of the wrongs
of your council.
am also aware that your council has failed to provide rolling stock for affordable
housing, so perpetuating high house prices, denying those on low
wages a chance to own their own home. This is surely an elitist society,
where those with wealth rape those starting out in life - with help from
officials who consistently fail to provide land for development as per
government directions. And so the housing shortage continues. Empire
building is nothing new in the Wealden district. Big houses for the
wealthy and bungs for the planning officers who steer the planning
I am relying on you to do the right thing for
your district. If you decide to do nothing, I expect to read about
your resignation, rather than hear you are collecting monies for doing
nothing and staying silent. That would also be fraudulent in my opinion
- by way of obtaining monies by deception. The deception being that you
have failed to represent the people, or only choose to represent some (favored)
people, which is again discrimination and abandonment of duty - and of
course accepting money for services that you have no intention of
you for taking the time to read this message and I look forward to
hearing from you in the near future.

the stuff Bob, but don't stop there. You have a lot more refuse to deal
with and it's all buried in your files. Why not start by sacking those
officers who have falsified evidence, not told the truth about historic
buildings and who even now refuse to do anything to put the matter

Robert Standley at least had the decency to run the inquiry past his
officers - and that was his big mistake. He should have made enquiries
as to the budget for himself. If he had, he may have found that having a
list of local historic buildings would actually benefit tourism and in
the log term, generate income for the region.
You will note that the officer dealing with this matter is Chris(tine) Arnold.

Robert Standley: "I knew nothing about all this ....

Robert Standley - Did you know that Wealden prosecuted Nelson Kruschandl
for breaching an enforcement notice (which he finally proved in the
Crown Court that he had not) and that the enforcement notice was
fraudulently obtained by lying to Inspector Dannreuther (Secretary of
State) in 1986. Wealden told this Inspector at a public hearing that Herstmonceux
Museum was not the original generating building, but a later building
constructed on the same site. That was of course a cold hard calculated
lie. The fact the Inspector was stupid enough to take this council's
word for it, was not the Secretary of State's fault. Council's should
not lie to Government officials. Wealden do this routinely. The fact
they used a fraudulent document to seek to prosecute an innocent man was
and is an abuse of process and a malicious prosecution. The Sussex
Police are of course unwilling to investigate this crime - probably
because they were party to the conspiracy. This same sequence of events
was to be repeated in 2008, only this time it was the Sussex
Police hiding evidence.........
Links Page

2013: “The Rainmaker” by N Richard Nash, Opened to Thunderous Applause at the Edgemar Center, Santa Monica, California, presented by Henry Jaglom and The Rainbow Theatre Company. The play harks back to 1954 when it opened in New York and ran for 125 performances with Geraldine Page and Darren Mc Gavin.
Then in 1956 it became the well-known film starring Burt Lancaster and Katherine
“The Rainmaker” is a story which transcends time. Our plain and opinionated women are called strong and the term “old maid” is from another time. Our women have the choice to marry or to be career women or both. But in times as ours, we all look to some guru to lead us out of our negativity, someone to show us the silver lining in the dark sky. Starbuck shines a klieg light into the darkness. Standley’s Starbuck doesn’t charm us as much as startle us into believing.
Tanna Frederick does a beautiful job in bringing all the shadings to her Lizzie. She is the plain, sad waif-like girl, and the painfully awkward person who has not claimed her womanhood.
Fredericks made an amazing leap in the scene in which she seduced Starbuck. We saw the pain and the steely
resolve mixed with blatant honesty and her weakness and lack of self-esteem. But, Lizzie is
desperate to experience love, even if only fleetingly.
2010: The 2010 Back Stage Garlands Awards, celebrating excellence in Southern California theater during 2009, culminated in a gala gathering for the award recipients, plus invited guests, at the Kirk Douglas Theatre in Culver City on Monday evening, April 12.
Almost 120 attendees filled the spacious lobby of the Douglas. The wonderfully talented showbiz couple Jill Van Velzer (Garland recipient for "God Saves Gertrude") and her spouse, Robert Standley
are pictured above.
thanks to Action Groups across the country for the supply of real case
history and supporting documents. *THAT THE PUBLIC MAY KNOW*
Vicarage Lane, Hailsham,
East Sussex, BN27 2AX T: 01323 443322
Pine Grove, Crowborough, East
Sussex, TN6 1DH T: 01892

Councillor Dick Angel
Nth & Cenrl - Cons

Councillor Kevin Balsdon
and Westham - Cons

Councillor Jo Bentley
South and West - Cons

Councillor Bob Bowdler
East - Cons

Councillor Lin Clark
and Westham - Cons
Chairman Standards

Councillor Nicholas Collinson
Central & North - Cons
Community Leadership Human Resources

Councillor Nigel Coltman
Central and North - Cons
of Licensing

Councillor Dianne Dear
and Westham - Cons
Chair of Planning South

Councillor Phil Dixon
- Conservative
Chair of Audit Finance

Councillor Pam Doodes
& Hooe with Wartling
- Vice-Chairman

Councillor Claire Dowling
Central - Cons
Ldr Public Health Safety

Councillor Jan Dunk
North & Central - Conservative

Councillor Philip Ede
- Conservative

Councillor Helen Firth
New Town - Cons

Councillor Jonica Fox
Five Ashes - Conservative

Councillor Roy Galley
Fletching/ Nutley - Cons
Economic Dev & Waste Man

Councillor Richard Grocock
South and West - Cons

Councillor Chris Hardy
- Cons- Chairman

Councillor Jim Hollins
West - Cons

Councillor Peter Holloway
Row - Conservative

Councillor Johanna Howell
Withyham - Cons
Planning North

Councillor Toby Illingworth
& Maresfield - Cons

Councillor Stephen Isted
Jarvis Brook - Independent

Councillor Andy Long
- Cons

Councillor Michael Lunn
& Maresfield - Cons

Councillor Philip Lunn
East - Cons

Councillor Barry Marlowe
Ridgewood - Cons
Ch Licensing

Councillor Rowena Moore
Row - Conservative

Councillor Kay Moss
St Johns - Cons
Chair Overview & Scrutiny

Councillor Douglas Murray
- Conservative

Councillor Ann Newton
- Cons
Planning & Dev

Councillor Amanda O'Rawe
East - Conservative

Councillor Mark Pinkney
- Conservative

Councillor Dr Brian Redman
- Conservative
of Standards Committee

Councillor Ronald Reed
North - Conservative

Councillor Carol Reynolds
North - Cons

Councillor Greg Rose
East - Cons
Overview & Scrutiny

Councillor Peter Roundell
Fletching/ Nutley - Cons
Audit Finance

Councillor William Rutherford
Withyham - Cons

Councillor Daniel Shing
South - Ind Democrat

Councillor Oi Lin Shing
North - Ind Democrat

Councillor Raymond Shing
- Independent Democrat

Councillor Stephen Shing
- Independent Democrat

Councillor Angela Snell
North - Conservative

Councillor Robert Standley
- Conservative
of the Council

Councillor Susan Stedman
- Conservative
Planning South

Councillor Roger Thomas
North & Central - Cons

Councillor Jeannette Towey
West - Cons

Councillor Chriss Triandafyllou
South and West - Cons

Councillor Peter Waldock
North - Cons

Councillor Neil Waller
North - Cons
Chair Planning North

Councillor David Watts
& East Hoathly - Cons

Councillor Graham Wells
- Cons
Housing & Benefits

Councillor David White
- Independent

Councillor John Wilton
Dean - Conservative
Dick Angel
- Jo Bentley
- John Blake - Bob
Bowdler - Don Broadbent
- Norman Buck - Raymond Cade -
John Carvey
- Lin Clark
Nicholas Collinson - Nigel Coltman - Ronald Cussons -
Barby Dashwood-Morris
- Dianne Dear
- Phil Dixon - Pam Doodes
Claire Dowling
Jan Dunk
- Louise Eastwood - Philip Ede - Helen Firth -
Jonica Fox
- Roy Galley -
Richard Grocock - Chris Hardy
Steve Harms
Jim Hollins - Peter Holloway - Johanna Howell -
Stephen Isted - David Larkin -
Andy Long - Michael Lunn
Barry Marlowe -
Nigel McKeeman - Huw Merriman - Rowena Moore -
Kay Moss - Douglas
Murray - Ann Newton - Ken Ogden
O'Rawe - Charles R Peck
- Diane Phillips - Mark Pinkney - Major Antony Quin RM -
Ronald Reed - Dr. Brian Redman
Carol Reynolds -
Greg Rose - Peter Roundell
- William Rutherford -
Daniel Shing
- Oi Lin Shing - Raymond Shing -
Stephen Shing
Robert Standley -
Susan Stedman -
Bill Tooley - Jeanette Towey - Stuart Towner - Chriss Triandafyllou -
Peter Waldock
Neil Waller
- David Watts - Mark Weaver -Graham Wells -
David White - John Wilton

BUILD A BETTER BRITAIN - There is an acute shortage of affordable
houses in the Wealden district. After the Second
World War there were 2 billion people on planet
earth. Millions were killed during the fighting but still when peace
came there were no houses for our returning war heroes. Instead, there
were slums. Sir Winston Churchill embarked on a rapid building spree to
try to cure the problem but neither this famous Prime Minister, not any
that followed, could keep up with the demand. Hardly surprising since we
are now at 7 billion on our beautiful Blue
Planet. The planners at Wealden are prone to empire building rather
than providing low cost housing for families starting out in life. This
agenda should change if we are not to continue contributing to climate
change, where the 2008
Act is clear as to what the United Kingdom should be aiming for by
price for a War Crime is/was hanging. What should the price be for
failing to provide affordable houses, or not doing what you can to
reverse climate change? These are crimes against humanity, just somewhat
lesser on the scale when it comes to sentencing.