Wealden District Council




Rupert Taylor


Ex Cllr Rupert Thornely-Taylor

Acoustics Consultant



Title: Leader of the Council 2002

Party: Conservative

Ward: Uckfield


The Old Steam House
Lime Park Herstmonceux

East Sussex BN27 1RF


Cllr. Rupert Thornely-Taylor                                             FAX REF: 01825 712542
Spring Gardens
Fairwarp Nr Uckfield
East Sussex TN22 3BG
                                                                                     22 December 2001

Dear Cllr Thornely-Taylor




Where it has been suggested that I should apply for an outline permission to demolish the above historic building, I would respectfully remind the Council that it is their first duty to protect the historic built environment and the planning system is the tool by which buildings are given beneficial new uses to keep them viable. I cite PPG16 of 1990 “This guidance pulls together and expands upon existing advice” ……… “it places no new duties on local authorities” If we accept that there are no new duties, then Section 17 of Circular 22 of 1980 remains relevant: “The Secretaries of State will not be prepared to grant listed building consent for the demolition of a listed building unless they are satisfied that every possible effort has been made to continue the present use or find a suitable alternative use for the building.” And: “To ensure an economic future for old buildings it will often be essential to find appropriate alternative uses for them.” I would also draw your attention to the English Heritage publications: “Conservation-led Regeneration” and “Industrial Archaeology.”

Firstly, an application in 2000 to replace this historic building was dismissed by the Council as “frivolous.” Secondly, I have seen no evidence that your Council have made any effort at all to find an alternative use as required by Circular 22/80. The current suggestion I should now apply to demolish this building, when the County Archaeologist confirmed to the Council in January 2000 that the 1999 application would provide a re-use solution – appears contrary to the advice of the Secretaries of State to find alternative uses before considering demolition! The fact the building is not listed in its current condition is irrelevant where the experts say the building is of “considerable local historic importance” – the advice in Circular 22/80 and PPG16 has been generally applied to numerous unlisted barns, etc. It would appear inconsistent to depart from the policy adopted elsewhere by your Council.

Apart from English Heritage confirming this building is of “considerable local historic interest” and the County Archaeologist saying: “the building should be preserved if at all possible”, Hailsham Community College has also confirmed an interest in the site. A sample survey revealed that 90% of local people approached supported the restoration and re-use of this historic site by signing a Petition. A local Ramblers association also expressed a wish to see the site preserved. It appears therefore that the Council have not fully taken into account the wishes of the majority of the local electorate.

English Heritage went on to say that scheduling of this kind of building in day to day use would not be the appropriate method of conservation, leading one to the irresistibly conclusion that a beneficial stand alone use should be found in line with the guidance in their publications concerning new uses for former industrial buildings. Thus PPG16 has been interpreted for the Council by the experts, rather than any one-sided argument put forward by an the head of the Council’s legal department (who has already declared an interest) seeking to defend the incorrect assessment of Chezel Bird in 1995/96 & 1997 and the Council’s procedural irregularity.

Where your officers say I could have appealed the 1999 refusal, not only did I feel I was being led down a path requiring expert representation, which I could not afford, but I was advised by the Citizens Advice Bureau as to the folly of pursuing such a course where it is the Council’s duty to put things right. Might I offer that it is not for the public to correct a mistake of your Council’s making where according to PPG1 - Standards in the Planning System - Section 57: The six principles of the Citizens Charter apply, including: “giving value for money” and “putting things right.” A value for money solution might be to put the matter straight as quickly as possible.

There is now considerable support from the learned establishment in favour of conservation and re-use, and a wealth of guidance papers to draw on, all of which point to finding a new use for this historic building. You earlier stated you were “interested in the future of this site.” Not only will the locality benefit from the renovation that would follow as a new use is agreed, but in line with best value practices the long running negotiations would finally come to an end after nineteen years of burden to the taxpayer and an equally long term of uncertainty for myself. 

Lastly, and with respect, I should like to mention that the Council is obliged to act reasonably in the established “Wednesbury (rule)” judicial sense. If we accept that it is the Council’s responsibility to protect the historic built environment, is it reasonable for the Council to continue to look the other way, knowing a building of acknowledged historic importance sits on its doorstep without any economic incentive to conservation, simply because the Council are reluctant to admit that a decision they made in 1995 was based on incorrect information supplied by one of its officers. 

I understand that the Executive Panel has the power to direct the Council in any matter. Could I therefore please urge you as the Leader of the Council to break the barriers to finding a new use by directing your officers accordingly.

Yours sincerely 

Nelson J Kruschandl


C.C. Rt Hon Gregory Barker MP
Executive Panel Members
WDC Chief Executive






Dick Angel - Kevin Balsdon - Jo Bentley - John Blake - Bob Bowdler - Don Broadbent - Norman Buck - Raymond Cade - John Carvey

  Lin Clark - Nicholas Collinson - Nigel Coltman - Ronald Cussons - Barby Dashwood-Morris - Dianne Dear - Phil Dixon - Pam Doodes

  Claire Dowling - Jan Dunk - Louise Eastwood - Philip Ede - Helen Firth - Jonica Fox - Roy Galley - Richard Grocock - Chris Hardy

Steve Harms - Jim Hollins - Peter Holloway - Johanna Howell - Toby Illingworth - Stephen Isted - David Larkin - Andy Long - Michael Lunn

Philip Lunn - Barry Marlowe - Nigel McKeeman - Rowena Moore - Kay Moss - Douglas Murray - Ann Newton - Ken Ogden

Amanda O'RaweCharles R Peck - Diane Phillips - Mark Pinkney - Major Antony Quin RM - Ronald Reed - Dr. Brian Redman

Carol Reynolds - Greg Rose - Peter Roundell - William Rutherford - Daniel Shing - Oi Lin Shing - Raymond Shing - Stephen Shing

Angela Snell - Robert Standley - Susan Stedman - Rupert Thornely-Taylor - Roger Thomas - Bill Tooley - Jeanette Towey - Chriss Triandafyllou

Peter Waldock - Neil Waller - David Watts - Mark Weaver -Graham Wells - David White - John Wilton





Dick Angel
Councillor Dick Angel

Heathfield Nth & Cenrl - Cons


KIevin Balsdon
Councillor Kevin Balsdon

Pevensey and Westham - Cons


Jo Bentley
Councillor Jo Bentley

Hailsham South and West - Cons


Councillor Bob Bowdler

Heathfield East - Cons


Linda Clark
Councillor Lin Clark

Pevensey and Westham - Cons

Deputy Chairman Standards


Nicholas Collinson
Councillor Nicholas Collinson

Hailsham Central & North - Cons

Portfolio Community Leadership Human Resources


Nigel Coltman
Councillor Nigel Coltman

Hailsham Central and North - Cons

Chairman of Licensing


Dianne Dear
Councillor Dianne Dear

Pevensey and Westham - Cons

Dep Chair of Planning South


Phil Dixon
Councillor Phil Dixon

Rotherfield - Conservative

Dep Chair of Audit Finance


Pam Doodes
Councillor Pam Doodes

Ninfield & Hooe with Wartling

Conservative - Vice-Chairman


Claire Dowling
Councillor Claire Dowling

Uckfield Central - Cons

Dep Ldr Public Health Safety


Janet Dunk
Councillor Jan Dunk

Heathfield North & Central - Conservative


Philip Ede
Councillor Philip Ede

Alfriston - Conservative


Helen Firth
Councillor Helen Firth

Uckfield New Town - Cons


Jonica Fox
Councillor Jonica Fox

Cross-in-Hand/ Five Ashes - Conservative


Roy Galley
Councillor Roy Galley

Danehill/ Fletching/ Nutley - Cons

Portfolio Economic Dev & Waste Man


Richard Grocock
Councillor Richard Grocock

Hailsham South and West - Cons


Chris Hardy
Councillor Chris Hardy

Hartfield - Cons- Chairman




Jim Hollins
Councillor Jim Hollins

Crowborough West - Cons


Peter Holloway
Councillor Peter Holloway

Forest Row - Conservative


Johanna Howell
Councillor Johanna Howell

Frant/ Withyham - Cons

Ch Planning North


Toby Illingworth
Councillor Toby Illingworth

Buxted & Maresfield - Cons



Stephen Isted
Councillor Stephen Isted

Crowborough Jarvis Brook - Independent


Andrew Andy Long
Councillor Andy Long

Herstmonceux - Cons


Michael Lunn
Councillor Michael Lunn

Buxted & Maresfield - Cons


Phillip Lunn
Councillor Philip Lunn

Crowborough East - Cons


Barry Marlowe
Councillor Barry Marlowe

Uckfield Ridgewood - Cons

Dep Ch Licensing


Rowena Moore
Councillor Rowena Moore

Forest Row - Conservative


Kay Moss
Councillor Kay Moss

Crowborough St Johns - Cons

Dep Chair Overview & Scrutiny


Douglas Murray
Councillor Douglas Murray

Willingdon - Conservative


Anne Newton
Councillor Ann Newton

Framfield - Cons

Portfolio Planning & Dev


Amanda O'Rawe
Councillor Amanda O'Rawe

Hailsham East - Conservative


Mark Pinkney
Councillor Mark Pinkney

Hellingly - Conservative


Dr Brian Redman
Councillor Dr Brian Redman

Mayfield - Conservative

Chairman of Standards Committee


Ronald Reed
Councillor Ronald Reed

Crowborough North - Conservative


Carol Reynolds
Councillor Carol Reynolds

Uckfield North - Cons







Greg Rose
Councillor Greg Rose

Crowborough East - Cons

Chair Overview & Scrutiny


Peter Roundell
Councillor Peter Roundell

Danehill/ Fletching/ Nutley - Cons

Chairman Audit Finance


William Rutherford
Councillor William Rutherford

Frant/ Withyham - Cons


Daniel Shing
Councillor Daniel Shing

Polegate South - Ind Democrat


Oi-Lin Shing
Councillor Oi Lin Shing

Polegate North - Ind Democrat


Raymond Shing
Councillor Raymond Shing

Willingdon - Independent Democrat


Stephen Shing
Councillor Stephen Shing

Willingdon - Independent Democrat


Angela Snell
Councillor Angela Snell

Polegate North - Conservative


Robert Standley
Councillor Robert Standley

Wadhurst - Conservative

Leader of the Council


Susan Stedman
Councillor Susan Stedman

Horam - Conservative

Chair Planning South


Roger Thomas
Councillor Roger Thomas

Heathfield North & Central - Cons


Jeannetter Towey
Councillor Jeannette Towey

Crowborough West - Cons


Chris Triandafyllou
Councillor Chriss Triandafyllou

Hailsham South and West - Cons


Peter Waldock
Councillor Peter Waldock

Uckfield North - Cons


Neil Waller
Councillor Neil Waller

Crowborough North - Cons

Dep Chair Planning North


David Watts
Councillor David Watts

Chiddingly & East Hoathly - Cons


Graham Wells
Councillor Graham Wells

Wadhurst - Cons

Portfolio Housing & Benefits


David White
Councillor David White

Hellingly - Independent


John Wilton
Councillor John Wilton

East Dean - Conservative



Dick Angel - Jo Bentley - John Blake - Bob Bowdler - Don Broadbent - Norman Buck - Raymond Cade - John Carvey - Lin Clark
Nicholas Collinson - Nigel Coltman - Ronald Cussons - Barby Dashwood-Morris - Dianne Dear - Phil Dixon - Pam Doodes

  Claire Dowling - Jan Dunk - Louise Eastwood - Philip Ede - Helen Firth - Jonica Fox - Roy Galley - Richard Grocock - Chris Hardy

Steve Harms - Jim Hollins - Peter Holloway - Johanna Howell - Stephen Isted - David Larkin - Andy Long - Michael Lunn

Barry Marlowe - Nigel McKeeman - Huw Merriman - Rowena Moore - Kay Moss - Douglas Murray - Ann Newton - Ken Ogden

Amanda O'RaweCharles R Peck - Diane Phillips - Mark Pinkney - Major Antony Quin RM - Ronald Reed - Dr. Brian Redman

Carol Reynolds - Greg Rose - Peter Roundell - William Rutherford - Daniel Shing - Oi Lin Shing - Raymond Shing - Stephen Shing

Robert Standley - Susan Stedman - Bill Tooley - Jeanette Towey - Stuart Towner - Chriss Triandafyllou - Peter Waldock

Neil Waller - David Watts - Mark Weaver -Graham Wells - David White - John Wilton



THIS SITE CONTAINS MANY EXAMPLES OF THIS COUNCIL'S UNREASONABLE BEHAVIOUR - With thanks to Action Groups across the country for the supply of real case history and supporting documents.  *THAT THE PUBLIC MAY KNOW*


Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AX T: 01323 443322
Pine Grove, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 1DH T: 01892 653311


This site is free of © Copyright except where specifically stated.  Any person may download, use and quote any reference or any link, and is guaranteed such right to freedom of information and speech under the Human Rights and Freedom of Information Acts.  However, be aware that we cannot be held liable for the accuracy of the information provided.  All users should therefore research matters for themselves and seek their own legal advice and this information is provided simply by way of a guide.  Horse Sanctuary UK Limited.