IN THE NEWS: THE GUARDIAN - George Pell to give royal commission evidence
Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s most senior Catholic and the Vatican’s financial manager, is to give evidence to a royal commission from the Hotel Quirinale in Rome.
.....(in Britain) a body set up by the monarch on the recommendation of the prime minister to gather information about the operation of existing laws or to investigate any social, educational, or other matter. The commission has prescribed terms of reference and reports to the government on how any change might be achieved.
Then there is the Royal Commission, which in theory will put an application to a court through to the Lord Bishops. Theory, because any corrupt judges in the pipeline who rule the courts, will simply strike an inconvenient application out. Before that the Court administration, usually Clerks or Masters, is the filtering system by which claims of corruption are denied a hearing. Corrupt officials will do anything to stop the Royal Family and the Prime Minister hearing about Fraud in their courts or in the system - and for that they may be knighted by the back door - for services rendered.
Sometimes the Prime Minister is not an honest officer of the land, in which case the job of getting heard will be harder still. David Cameron is one PM who is considered to be an honest officer, properly serving Her Majesty. But, even so, applications citing the Attorney General or the Home Office are not getting through. The proof is in the pudding. Many are trying and being led a merry dance.
Barristers and Judges know that they must service local government frauds. If they do not, they will soon be cut out of the pie. So they tow the party line. They convict anyone just for the asking, knowing that council officials will fabricate evidence to help them get the job done - and they actively assist in controlling their courts in biased fashion.
Sometimes it is not fabricating evidence is the sense of creating false evidence, it is simply not investigating, or only presenting evidence for the prosecution. Some statute has been crafted as a tool to assist the courts obtain fraudulent convictions. Once such abomination is the Sexual Offences Act, where a person is guilty until proven innocent - instead of being innocent until proven guilty, as required by Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
BBC News UK politics the royal commission The Guardian Australian news 2016 February 23 George Pell to give royal commission evidence from Rome's hotel quirinale
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