What is affordable about these houses. Locals could not buy them, they are too expensive





 -  Conditions Index A - Z
1. Permission subject to detailed particulars
2. Appearance & Landscape

3. Application for reserved matters in 3 years

4. No dev. without archaeological programme

5. No dev. until written scheme 4. published

6. Contamination to be reported subsequently

7. Details code of construction TB approved

8. Temporary contractor provisions

 9.  Noise restrictions working hours

10. Details brickwork finishes
11. Joinery details, windows, doors

12. Details hard & soft landscaping

13. Details screening, trees, hedges

14. Planting trees Chapel Row, Museum

15. Landscape management plan

16. Wildlife management details

17. Japanese Knotweed survey

18. Access prior to building works

19. Visibility splays entrance A271

20. Internal site access roads

21. Car parking details

22. Garages no commercial use

23. No felling trees hedgerows

24. Tree protection existing TPO

25. Bins refuse collection & disposal

26. Foul drainage sewerage works

27. Surface water drainage

28. No discharges foul water

29. Flood resilient buildings

30. Surface water drainage

31. Light pollution AONB

32  Renewable energy

33. No permitted dev buildings

34. No permitted gates/fences

36. Limited to included docs



Herstmonceux Action Group, banner at the Old Rectory


Banner put up in support of the protest by the Herstmonceux Action Group, on the North facing garden fencing of the Old Rectory. The owners of the Rectory building are potentially one of the most affected by application: WD/2014/2663/MAO, now WD/2015/0090/MAO. They have enjoyed views across an open field to the village and playing fields, since they moved house in about 1987.



Sussex Express



Some residents have raised concerns that a 70 house development could be built on land in Herstmonceux.

The HX Action Group claim houses could be built on land at Lime Cross after a proposal for development on the site was unveiled in the Herstmonceux Neighbourhood Plan.

The Action Group claim 94 per cent of residents questioned in a recent survey about the parish said they wanted to see smaller pockets of developments built over 14 years and not one large development in the village. The plan also proposes 30 extra houses for land on Windmill Hill and Cowbeech. The group said small scale developments would be better for the village as it would enable new residents to integrate more easily, ease traffic congestion, lighten public service pressures on school, doctors and transport. It said it is not opposed to a Neighbourhood Plan but wanted alternative sites and suggestions proposed to meet the housing target, as it felt the council had not made residents aware of plans for a larger estate.

A spokesman for the group said: “70 houses was the original quota for the whole parish. Now it has become a 70-dwelling village housing estate. The threat is that large developers start trying to pick off large sites along the A271, smearing together Windmill Hill, Herstmonceux, Magham Down and Cowbeech. Local character would be lost and the road turned into a rat run to Hailsham and Eastbourne.”

Herstmonceux Parish Council which drew up the plan said it has not been possible to find smaller sites because they are either inside or on the edge of the village boundary. A spokeswoman said: “The plan has raised many challenging issues. Although local people said they preferred this to be done by choosing small sites, it has not been possible to meet the target in that way. The choice of sites is either inside or on the edge of the village boundary – all the smaller sites suggested are beyond the village edge and/or are in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which has a higher level of protection from development. The draft plan includes one site each in Herstmonceux, Windmill Hill and Cowbeech with two crucial goals in mind. First, to use the housing schemes to maximise important community benefits, e.g. affordable housing, self-build housing, improved community facilities and second to minimise the impact of development on the precious landscape character of the parish. Of course, not everyone agrees with the proposals; some will be more affected than others. However, the risk in not having our own plan is becoming greater as the demand increases for housing development in our area.”

The concerns were raised after the parish council unveiled its pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan with 17 policies relating to parish development. The council is asking for residents to review and comment on the plan. The plan will give residents more of a say on developments in the area. It will become a statutory planning document carrying significant weight in informing local planning decisions by Wealden District Council. Comments will be analysed before the final plan is drawn up and residents will have another opportunity to comment on the final plan. Comment on the plans before the end of the consultation on January 24.





There has never been an action group representing the interests of so many residents in this peaceful Sussex backwater. To date, planning battles have been contained, such that local people were content to let neighbours object to smaller residential developments.


This all changed when a former estate agent was seen surveying Lime Cross and speaking to neighbours about his intention (or the intention of family members) to apply for planning consent for upwards of 70 houses, where for many years Wealden District Council and the Parish Council have been saying there should be no development.





This application is not only contrary to the Local Plan, but is considered by many to be downright dangerous. The A271 is a narrow country road that is already overloaded - with many traffic jams in the village high street causing motorists serious delays on occasion.



Proposed entrance to Lime Cross for access to 70 new houses. The A271 is already a busy road. What is not clear from this plan is that the entrance shown in red is just a few yards away from a sign telling people to slow down. That sign is half way up a hill, that has been the site of accidents on the other face. You can imagine the carnage with family vehicles trying to exit from this entrance, which is very narrow. There is no real visibility splay. Vehicles traveling west into the village from Hastings, will be unable to see cars trying to get to school to pick up their children because of the hedge that is not in the applicant's ownership. It is even worse with vehicles heading east out of the village, now coming down a hill - and once again the angle prevents any real advance warning, with just the nose of a car protruding - only visible at the last moment. What should have been provided and is an example of what is required, is the same degree of vision afforded by the access just a little further east for Chapel Row.


Rather surprisingly, ESCC Highways supports this application. They base their information on 14 years old surveys, but say they hold good today and see no reason why there would be any accidents, but also fail to mention that there has been an incident or two.







F.A.O. Kelvin Williams
Planning and Environment Manager
Enforcement Department                                                                                                            RECORDED POST
Wealden District Council
Council Offices, Vicarage Lane
Hailsham, BN27 2AX                                                                                                                    30 December 2014

Dear Mr Williams, 


Thank you for your letter advising of the above application dated the 23rd of December 2014. Here are our provisional views objecting to the above application. We reserve the right to add to any argument by way of objection or support for alternative applications/proposals as this matter progresses.


Our most obvious concern is that this would be a radical departure from Local Plan policies of some standing. For many years now your council has confirmed that this field is unsuitable for development and is outside the village boundary. Hence, the land is greenbelt for which restrictive policies apply in all but the most exceptional circumstances. The field also overlooks an adjacent area of outstanding natural beauty, and will be a blot on the landscape.

In that the proposed scheme ignores local policies, extraordinary needs must be proven. The application is not for a social housing scheme, merely offering an inclusion for a percentage of affordable housing. We have seen no evidence of sustainability in terms of energy efficiency.

Such a large number of houses in one spot is not what the local people want and would unbalance the development of the village, where alternative sites have been proposed that are more in keeping with future policy changes.


This looks to be an application looking to tick all the boxes to achieve high profits, without any real benefit for the local population and the provision of affordable housing, in line with sustainable practices. Put simply, this is not an application that could be described as a sustainable practice, where first time buyers in the village will be placed even further down the line – and if such applications are approved, then that is a message to developers that they might apply for what they like so long as they use the magic phrases, without being required to prove such statements as affordable, as being truly affordable.

An affordable development should be one that a local man and woman (a family) on an average local income, might realistically obtain mortgage finance for. Even with a substantial deposit by way of savings, building societies will only lend 4 times an income. While that may be sufficient to purchase one of the proposed houses at Lime Cross, for city slickers, we should be looking at the average wage of youngsters in the area. Take for example typical council or NHS positions, where £15-17k is usual. Multiply this by 4 and that gives us £60-70,000 for the price of a genuinely affordable home in the Hailsham and Eastbourne area.

After the cost of infrastructure, that does not leave a lot to build the home, meaning that such homes will be small. They must though comply with the newest guidance for Zero Carbon Britain and EU directives. We wonder if such conditions might be attached by way of a 106 agreement?


The A271 carries all of the traffic inland from Hailsham to Hastings and serves the surrounding village and countryside. The road is not in A1 condition. The proposed access from Gardner Street (A271) is in a location that is likely to cause accidents, even death from children finding their way from an affordable housing development onto a busy road without visibility splay warnings and other precautions. 

We cannot see how this objection on highways grounds can be overcome, and there is a special duty of care in that regard after the Wednesbury Rule (of reasonableness) established such duty to protect the public from road accidents. It appears that the owner of the land does not own or control land on either side of the proposed access, to be in a position to provide suitable entry and exit from the site onto a busy main road.


The privacy of those residents in Lime Park will be seriously affected, with no special provision to protect the Edwardian estate from development that is out of keeping with the rural scene and the architecture that prevails. Should permission be deemed acceptable for a smaller number of units that is not so intrusive, we would ask that conditions should be applied as to the design, such as to blend in with any buildings that are nearby.

Certain buildings within the boundary of Herstmonceux Museum are exempt from enforcement by virtue of the four-year rule. In addition, we understand that Mr Kruschandl is likely to challenge the extant enforcement notice from 1986 on the grounds that new information demonstrates that proper procedure was not adhered to and that the Inspector at the time erred as to historical facts.


Your council owes us a special duty to protect the historic built environment. Herstmonceux Museum in on a Monument Protection Programme (MMP) with English Heritage, which fact is recorded by East Sussex County Council (the County Archaeologist) and must form part of your function to preserve and protect local history. 

Mass development in an area that is likely to become a tourist attraction, by virtue of its association with Battersea Power Station and Rudyard Kipling’s home, on the same MMP, is a planning consideration. Sussex is beautiful and should be kept that way. Historic buildings in the country should receive special consideration from the point of view of preserving that beauty.


We wonder if it might be appropriate for your council to consider purchasing suitable land for the purpose of providing genuinely affordable housing.

If you have any plans along those lines there are grants available for such schemes, that we would urge you to consider to alleviate the burden of having to provide new houses in the area that will meet the needs of the local population.

We look forward to hearing from you that our correspondence on this subject will go forward to the planning committee for their consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Max Energy Ltd (Trustee)
for Lime Park Heritage Trust




F.A.O. Kelvin Williams
Planning and Environment Manager
Enforcement Department                                                                                                                   RECORDED FAX & POST
Wealden District Council
Council Offices, Vicarage Lane
Hailsham, BN27 2AX                                                                                                                                 19 January 2015

Dear Mr Williams, 


Thank you for confirming receipt of our letter objecting to the above planning application.

In respect of those observations already made – and where we reserved the right to add or amend our observations, we would be grateful if you could include the following as factors that your committee should be aware of, and indeed, that there is a statutory duty to consult with archaeological authorities, which, from our records, it appears that your council has yet to undertake.


According to our National Planning Policy Framework document (NPPF) at Section 12, paragraph 126, you should have a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of historic buildings. What then is your strategy and how do you propose conserving this historic gem for enjoyment by future generations and ourselves?

Paragraph 128 requires an applicant to describe the significance of any historic building affected. Could we therefore ask if this requirement has been addressed and may we have sight of it to comment ? If such requirement has been met, has English Heritage or the County Archaeologist been consulted by the applicant?

Paragraphs 129 to 141 of the NPPF further spells out how the previous Paragraphs should be handled – and we look forward to receiving your proposals in compliance with these sections.


We would here mention that Herstmonceux Museum is cut into a bank some 6-8 feet below the level of the adjacent field. Below us, is The Old Rectory, also a good 8-10 feet deeper cut into the hillside.

It occurs to us that if a large number of houses are built on the hill above us, that that will create down-hill pressure that could be very dangerous, in terms of the potential for landslide, slip, or hydraulic pressure build up.

What safeguards are there against such incident, or even against any movement likely to affect the stability of this irreplaceable historic asset?

Should there be any movement as a result of slip or hydraulic pressure, is your council liable. If not who is and is there a fund for such claims?


As and from October of this year, those buildings that are not specifically covered by any enforcement notice, will be re-occupied residentially – until such time as a challenge may be made to your database(s), that to our knowledge have not been updated to take into account that which is noted and on file with the County Archaeologist.

You must therefore take the loss of view from the building facing into the field, as a further planning consideration. In addition, where the grounds will then be enjoyed as a garden, there will be loss of privacy and light. There is also bound to be noise and light pollution emanating from the proposed development, causing additional loss of amenity. What compensation is being offered in this respect?


We would be grateful if you would ensure that these matters are appended to our original letter of objection. We are copying this letter to the County Archaeologist and English Heritage, such that they may be better prepared to respond in good time when you contact them for advice.

Pleas acknowledge safe receipt of this letter at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully,

Max Energy Ltd (Trustee)
for Lime Park Heritage Trust




RESIDENTIAL STATUS - The building in the foreground is immune from enforcement by virtue of the 4 year rule. It was not included in a notice served by Wealden in 1986, because it did not exist at the time. It is unfortunate for this council that their notice from 1986 is deemed to have been obtained using tactics that amount to fraud according to the Fraud Act 2006 - and is the subject of future challenge for failures to correct information on their databases - as required by statutory regulations.


Disregarding the illegalities perpetrated by officers of this council, that for the most part have departed (thankfully), the view from the French-window style double-doors (shuttered) that face into the proposed site, is a planning consideration, being the main entrance and having glass doors as a new security provision. Clearly, the privacy of the occupiers and the privacy of any houses that may be built, is compromised. In addition the view to the north-east to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) would be interrupted by the proposed housing and no amount of mollycoddling can overcome such objection where around 18 of those proposed are in line of sight from Herstmoncuex Museum and a further 14 houses interfere with the line of sight from the Old Rectory.


The picture below shows a view from the Jubilee Walk north to Herstmonceux Museum. The planning proposal will fill this view with 2 storey houses, so obscuring it forever, preventing access to and enjoyment of this historic building by the public. The oak tree on the right in the picture, is seen center of the quadrant to the east in the site block plan.





Herstmonceux Museum is though an example of genuinely affordable housing and sustainability in action. In re-using a part of a historic site for accommodation, the buildings will have a greater degree of security. The visual appraisal carried out by the applicants agents, Barton Willmore LLP, of Soho Square, London, does not take into account the above observations as to AONB, and fails completely to mention that the view currently enjoyed by walkers along the Jubilee Walk will be lost, in a report some 109 pages long, of what amounts to a ploy to play down an important local building of considerable stature - in a national and international context - concerning the early electrical generating industry. The only other example of such a building in the world is in the USA. Tourists and walkers would no longer be able to enjoy sight of Herstmonceux Museum along the majority of the trail from the village entrance north to the exit south-west entrance to farmland, and from the north entrance to the south-east exit to Chapel Row. It is the context in which the view is enjoyed that is so important. At the moment, walkers cannot fail to see the juxtaposition of the "first" village in England to have electricity in sufficient quantities that baking of loaves was a feature. The development of this village is already well established by the windmill at Windmill Hill, where flour was ground for the bakery - that was powered by electricity from Lime Park. The Cuckoo Trail is itself of local, and possibly national importance, as a recognised walk frequented by many Rambling groups.


This omission and failure to secure such views for tourists and to promote tourism, and to make historic buildings accessible to the public, is contrary to National Planning Framework Policies (NPPF). This ought to have been a conservation area, and probably would have been one, if the council concerned was more alert to conservation issues. Clearly, this has been clouded by previous failures and the fear of having to pay compensation for Human Rights violations retrospectively.


The omission and the manner in which the applicant's have sought to hide the facts from Wealden councillors, is seen at paragraphs 2.15 to 2.18 of their rather lengthy document. The fact that Wealden has no Local List, is a potential problem for developers looking for planning limitations, but, in this case the onus was on the applicant's to seek redress from the County Archaeologist and of course, English Heritage, where the Monument is on their At Risk register. There can be no doubt that the developers knew a lot about Herstmonceux Museum, where they visited the site on two occasions and spoke with the curator, in a conversation with the applicant's on the subject, to include mention of a (potentially ancient) right of way for coal deliveries to the old generating buildings - also not mentioned in any report.


Likewise, the desk based archaeology report by Sally Dicks BA MIfA, as approved by Duncan Hawkins BA (Hons) MSc FSA MIfA (November 2014), takes no account of the existence of Herstmonceux Museum, and for that reason fails to address the loss of access and visual enjoyment by the public, where that is of paramount importance according to NFFP, Section 12, from paragraphs 126 to 141. The report is thus silent, where noise is required. Whereas, had it not been deskbound, a site visit would have revealed the existence of the generating buildings in the context both of local history and the landscape - as it affects ramblers and tourists.


CGMS CONSULTING - Fiona Williams and Jason Clemons - The view that will be destroyed is shown in pictures numbered 19-21 and 34 of their Heritage Statement. Contrary to the conclusion as to inter-visibility (@3.4), Herstmonceux Museum is and has been for many years more of an attraction to walkers and locals, and is not particularly visible from within Lime Park - Lime Park being a private area, not open to the public, and also the Museum being tucked into one corner and bounded by shielding trees - in particular a large Holm oak that obscures the building. With the above in mind and that there is a duty to maintain access to and enjoyment of historic buildings for the public, the views expressed by the CGMS report are not accepted as taking into account the intrinsic positioning with respect to the village and the industrial function - that will be hidden forever if the proposed development takes place. The worst section of housing in this regard is the centre quadrant, defined as being in between the two footpaths shown at 4.1 of the applicant's Heritage Statement.


Full marks though to the London based experts for making a case out for the applicant, that only a planning expert would be able to reveal, and one versed with those tenets of the NPPF document and local history. It appears from the credentials of the professionals employed that no expense has been spared. We might also give the benefit of the doubt to the applicant's that this application was made in good faith. Where, having employed such prestigious firms, they might reasonably have expected comprehensive assessments.


It seems that the subject matter is more properly a subject for English Heritage and the department for Culture Media and Sport, both of which agencies had yet to be consulted by the applicant or Wealden council - when on the 21st of January, the application was withdrawn.


RAF HERSTMONCEUX - Finally, the building is not only a monument to the early electricity generating industry, it is also RAF Herstmonceux, from when it was used in World War Two as a hospital for wounded airmen, a radio outpost and bomb shelter. Lime house was used to billet RAF officers at the same time and Lime Cross recreation ground was the prisoner of war camp where Italian prisoners were held during hostilities. This important fact relating to what comes under the heading of Industrial Archaeology should also form part of the deliberations concerning heritage.




You may have noticed that there are only forty-nine units shown on the above site plan - and it is still crowded. It is unclear from this plan if some of the plots shown are garages adjacent to a house. It is therefore open to interpretation. The real problem is that the village of Herstmonceux does need more affordable housing. Gratefully, there are other sites that are far more appropriate, and will not pose injury to a site of considerable local historic interest.





It is because Council's have been dragging their heels so much and not planning for new housing that we are in this mess. it is not just Wealden, it is ingrained in civil servants to apply rules to prevent development or change. In this case the problem is so bad that central government has had to direct them to change their attitudes. Fantastic, but why give locals the job of developing (in effect) national policy in the first place. National policy is what counts. Where do we need homes in the UK and what elements of the countryside are essential to preserve. It's a balancing act. A Herstmonceux local is not concerned with Battersea Power Station or Rudyard Kipling's home at Burwash. He or she, only sees this field at Lime Cross in isolation.


This brings us back to economically viable housing for locals who are on the housing list, and then making provision for those who will be signing up once they realise that sensibly priced housing has been made available to locals in Herstmonceux. If we are to break with restrictive policies, this should be for social housing.




Sir Winston Churchill's famous wartime speech: "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." 


Should perhaps be re-written: "Never in village planning history was so much made by so few at the expense of so many." 


We're sure someone else could be more eloquent, but the message is clear. The original was a wartime speech made by the British Prime Minister on the 20th of August 1940 . The name stems from the specific line in the speech, Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few, referring to the ongoing efforts of the Royal Air Force pilots who were at the time fighting the Battle of Britain, the pivotal air battle with the German Luftwaffe with Britain expecting a German invasion.





As an example let us say that 50 houses are built that are for regular landlords. 50 X £350,000 = £17,500,000. That is seventeen and a half million pounds, one hell of an incentive for a land owner to turn his back on the true requirements of the village - if we are to preserve the character of the village.


Now let us look at a genuinely affordable housing scheme involving 50 house. 50 X £70,000 = £3,500,000.  That is £14,000,000 less for the developer. This would be £14 million that is earned on the backs of all of those men and women in the UK who cannot afford to buy their own home, because we keep giving planning consents for houses that nobody can afford, to keep the rich, rich and keep the ordinary man further and further away from home ownership. In other words, more deeply enslaved.


This is an elitist practice, that discriminates against poor people, that is perpetuated by the state (at the moment) - hence is potentially an Article 14 (discrimination) violation in combination with an Article 17 (state practice that impinges on another Article) violation. As we have no Article 13 in our Human Rights Act 1998, by design of the government, we also have no effective remedy. That was the whole point of leaving out Articles 1 and 13 from our home grown version of the European Convention, to deprive the nation of a means to challenge hundreds of identified HR breaches, without going to Europe.


In allowing the developer to get away with his plan to build as many expensive houses as possible, we are allowing the village of Herstmonceux to move further away from its village roots than ever. We are driving our local worksforce away and pushing local people, who might otherwise have remained local, to move elsewhere to find higher paid jobs to have any chance of ever affording their own home. This is not a sustainable practice and should be discouraged.


If approved, this planning application sends a signal to all other developers that they too can profit magnificently from a loophole that allows them carte blanche to build anywhere they like.





This is surely not what the Secretary of State is advocating, where the drive at the moment is for a closed loop economic cycle. The Secretary of State should thus be invited to call in this application if it is passed, either locally or on appeal. For it strikes at the heart of sustainability and what constitutes sustainable practice. It could thus become a test case.










In the jungle we are charged no rent for the tree we swing in and nothing for the bananas we eat. We have all we need free of charge to produce our offspring. Along comes man to enslave his fellow man. The first thing our captors do is to start charging for the right to swing in a tree. We also charge for bananas, because we now want to profit from territorial rights that should not exist on a tree that they don't need - hence greed is the motivation. This is surely a case for only one tree per person.


The problem is the invention of money, coupled with the concept of ownership of natural resources and sovereignty, for exploitation. One common term to describe such social abomination is: "The Rat Race." We prefer the term "Financial Slavery" and it should be abolished, because it is no less evil than enslaving people to grow cotton or harvest rubber for profit. It's all about profiting from the labour of others. Modern slavery is all about the level of profiteering and control of the system.


We're sure that given the choice, all of those fresh to the voting system, would vote for Financial Emancipation - freedom from exploitive shackles. This is a concept we should be exporting, a concept that is sure to bring stabilization to hostile regions and promote world peace.





A mortgage that is too high, is every bit a chain around your neck as with these poor fellows. What gives any human the right to enslave another human being? The answer to that is the State. When the State promotes policies and practices that, in effect, allow one human to profit so hugely at the expense of others - then the State is to blame. If as appears to be the case at the moment, the State wish to change that practice, with the provision of affordable housing, then the State should take care to ensure that the little fiefdoms that have had it all their own way so far, are brought back into line. It is up to you which political party you vote for. As soon as you are 18, why not vote for Financial Emancipation. You will need to find a party with a manifesto that radically revises current planning practices. It will be a kind of economic revolution that the current slave traders (banks and landlords) are sure to stage the equivalent of a Civil War. Bribery will rule supreme, as the establishment will not want their boats rocked. Zero Carbon and Affordably housing - who ever heard of such a thing. Next minute, we'll all be back in the jungle swinging from trees. Oh yes please!





Two glaring omissions are that of English Heritage and the Department for Culture Media and Sport. We are shocked to learn that English Heritage has not been approached, where it is their Monument at Risk programme that is on the line.


It is equally disturbing that where tourism is one of our biggest exports, that a unique historic building is in danger of being excluded from any existing or future tourist route. This application is demonstrably insensitive to the need to attract overseas visitors to country (as well as city) attractions.


New analysis from VisitBritain reveals that more international tourists are traveling across the country than ever before, with spending hitting new record levels in the majority of nations and regions for the first 9 months of 2014.

The new figures from the Office for National Statistics show that the first 9 months of 2014 overseas tourist spending reached new records in Wales (£303 million), Scotland (£1.5 billion), London (£8.9 billion), East of England (£693 million), North West (£849 million) and the South East (£1.7 billion).

Compared to the same period in 2013, from January to September 2014 overseas visits grew at a faster rate to Wales (14%), Scotland (12%) and Yorkshire (12%, reaching a new record of 1.08 million) than they did to London (6%). 

Welcoming the figures, Tourism Minister Helen Grant said:

"Britain has so much to offer tourists and it’s fantastic that more of them are exploring the country and helping to drive growth outside of London. I want overseas visitors to experience the very best of Britain and with a record £22 billion expected to be spent this year the tourism sector is well placed to keep up this momentum, as part of the Government’s long-term economic plan."

Patricia Yates, VisitBritain’s Director of Strategy and Communications, said:

"Inbound tourism is an export industry at which Britain is demonstrably successful, with further growth predicted this year. VisitBritain will continue to focus on the rebalancing of this growing industry in 2015 to benefit the whole country. Next week we will launch a £3 million Countryside is GREAT campaign to showcase the beauty of our countryside – from Cornwall to the Lake District, Pembrokeshire to the Scottish Highlands."







In all the documents cited so far, there is no "Tourism Statement." Herstmonceux is a village that depends on visitors for income. The sites that tourists are likely to visit close by are Batemans and Windmill Hill. Some of these visitors, whether industrial archaeologists keen to see one of the last coal fired power stations (Battersea) or Rudyard Kipling fans, will want to see the sleepy little village of Herstmonceux where an electrical industry thought leader, The Baron de Roemer, was building his electrical supply empire, having sated his own desire for clean light and cooking. Not that long ago we lost the Truggery, and to many that was a tragedy in tourism terms - and all because our local councils had no real vision. They just do not understand or value what they have/had. They are sheep, blindly stumbling from one disaster to the next catastrophe. Why, because visionary leaders do not go into local politics. Local politics is all about local greed for the fortunate few. It should be about providing an affordable tree to swing in for our new shoots.



The post windmill at Windmill Hill in Sussex


This is the windmill at Windmill Hill, ground the flour that was baked by electricity at Herstmonceux. The proposed 'Edison Walk,' would take ramblers from Herstmonceux Village to see the site of the old Bakery, then along the public footpaths in the field the subject of this application, to see Herstmonceux Museum, then across to Windmill Hill to see where the flour was milled - on the way to Burwash, to admire Rudyard Kipling's mill and electricity generating set. Thousands of people each year visit the many windmill sites in Sussex. The link with electricity for baking and back again to windmills as modern electricity generators is a fascinating technology tie up.



Public footpath from Wartling to Herstmonceux


Another interesting ramble would be from RAF Wartling, along this public footpath, to RAF Herstmonceux. The Chain Home, early warning radar stations from WWII are very a very popular subject with schools and colleges. This walk would give students of industrial archaeology a snapshot of the interaction between RAF operations and the integration between villages. Herstmonceux Museum was the hospital for wounded airmen, while Lime House billeted RAF officers. The clear line of site that exists as of January 2015, will eliminate the opportunity for walkers to see this in the flesh - to be replaced by a housing estate for a get-rich-quick scheme.



There are 15 National Trails in England and Wales, covering about 2,500 miles of some of Britain’s finest landscapes and taking in some great historical sites – including Hadrian’s Wall. In Scotland, there are four officially designated Long Distance Routes, plus 16 routes in Scotland’s Great Trails, covering over 1,300 miles of breathtaking landscape from the Borders to the Highlands.


Britain’s cities aren’t short of scenic walking routes either. Get Walking has plenty of shorter routes to help you discover some of the hidden gems of cities including London, Manchester, Birmingham and Swindon.


It is said that there is a walk to suit every season in Britain. The Isle of Wight Walking Festival is the UK’s largest walking festival, and the best way to enjoy the island’s mild spring weather. Celebrate the summer with a mix of mountain walking and great entertainment at the Mourne International Walking Festival in Northern Ireland. The annual National Trust Walking Festival is perfect for autumn family walks, and if you’d rather see Britain at its wintry best, join in one of the hundreds of walks that make up the Festival of Winter Walks.


It is well known that tourists plan holidays according to a theme. The theme in London, or London's top ten include: 


1.  British Museum

2.  National Gallery

3.  Natural History Museum

4.  Tate Modern

5.  London Eye

6.  Science Museum

7.  Victoria and Albert Museum

8.  Tower of London

9.  Royal Museum Greenwich

10. Madame Tussauds


Herstmonceux's top ten theme tour of the UK might include: 


1.  Science Museum, London

2.  Battersea Power Station, London

3.  Amberley Museum

4.  Rudyard Kipling's Batemans

5.  Jubilee Walk & (proposed) Edison Trail

6.  Herstmonceux Museum, Lime Park (from the Cuckoo Trail)

7.  Windmill Hill

8.  The Truggery

9.  Herstmonceux Observatory

10. RAF Wartling





Consultee Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
ESCC - Highway Authority 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 16/01/2015
Southern Water Services 23/12/2014 13/01/2015  
WDC - Conservation and Design Officer 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 13/01/2015
Natural England 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 12/01/2015
Ministry of Defence 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 09/01/2015
ESCC - County Archaeologist 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 09/01/2015
English Heritage Not yet consulted - -
Department of Culture Media and Sport Not yet consulted - -
Environment Agency (Solent and South Downs Area) 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 16/01/2015
Police (Crime Prevention) 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 05/01/2015
WDC-Rother - Pollution Control 23/12/2014 13/01/2015  
WDC-Rother - Public Footpaths Officer 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 06/01/2015
High Weald AONB Unit 23/12/2014 13/01/2015  
WDC - Housing Department 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 12/01/2015
ESCC - Development Contributions 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 14/01/2015
ESCC - Strategic Planning 23/12/2014 13/01/2015 14/01/2015
ESCC - Rights of Way (Footpaths) 23/12/2014 13/01/2015  
ESCC - Flood Management 23/12/2014 13/01/2015  
Herstmonceux Parish Council 23/12/2014 13/01/2015  
Cllr A P Long 23/12/2014    






This is a specimen tree that over the years has become a landmark that walkers and residents associate with the village and the Cuckoo Walk. In our opinion the tree should be protected by a Tree Preservation Order. The reasoning behind this is simple logic. As you can see from the pictures above taken in January of 2015, there is a branch seen in the picture on the left that has broken off from a limb clearly visible in the picture on the right. Being just 25 feet from a public footpath and with much of the north-east side of the tree actually overhanging the public footpath, it is obvious that this tree is not receiving the care it deserves and should thus be granted protected status - especially as it presents a danger to the public. Because of course this is a "public" footpath. How the tree warden missed this is beyond us.


For some reason Wealden seem not to care about this tree, or the safety of the public, but by contrast, have paid particular attention to a sycamore that is nowhere near a public footpath and not even in the same field. How then do you explain the interest in one tree, but not another? Is to to do with land ownership? Or is it that this council have another hidden agenda? 


Public rights of way – footpaths, bridleways, and byways – are all ‘highways’ in law. This means they get the same protection from the law as a road does. They have to be kept open, they can’t be obstructed and they have to be usable. The duty to keep them open and usable lies with the local highway authority (the county council, or else the unitary authority where there is no county council).


Since the 1950s, county councils and unitary authorities have been required to keep a record of public rights of way. This is called the definitive map and statement of public rights of way. Where a path is shown on this record, that is conclusive proof of its public status. You have the right to apply for a path to be included on the definitive map and statement – this is the common method of proving that a way is public.




Money is being spent on this site - as the JCB digger seen here in December 2014 confirms, but not on keeping the landmark oak tree safe for passers by.


Concerning Herstmonceux Museum, Wealden have spent thousands of ratepayers pounds doing their best to keep non-native weed trees close to a historic building. Odd to say the least. Malicious even we hear you say. Possibly! Whatever is the cause of the inconsistencies in case handling, it is not logical - hence it appears irrational, nor is/was the blight in keeping with the duty to protect historic assets. The officer signing recent correspondence relating to the above is David Whibley, presumably on the instructions of Kelvin Williams. Bearing the above bang-up-to-date example of inconsistent behavior in mind, can we trust this council to consider the issues relating to the planning application under consideration in unbiased fashion? Is has been confirmed that the local councillor, Andy Long, has not been in touch with Lime Park Heritage Trust to speak about any of these issues. It leaves one feeling unrepresented. Are councillors paid to represent the people?















































Mrs Janet McInnes
The Parish Office
Herstmonceux Village Hall
Hailsham Road
Herstmonceux BN27 4JX 

Tel: 01323 833312
Mob: 07889 159824
Email: Parish Clerk



Organisation Venue and time Contact Telephone
Age Concern: Hailsham, Hellingly and Herstmonceux, Charles Hunt Centre, Vicarage Field, Hailsham Dave Snoxell, Centre Manager 844398 or email
Cardiac Support Group 4th Thursday of the month at 2 for 2:30-4 at the Emmanuel Church, Hawkswood Road, Hailsham Philip Ford
Extend (over 60s exercise club)   Mrs Cassie Harris 832358
Friends of Herstmonceux Castle   Ann Friar
Friends of Herstmonceux School   Richard Moon 832362
Herstmonceux Amateur Theatrical Society (HATS)
Click here for their website
  Sue Stewart 833450
Herstmonceux Farmers' Club   J Plumley (Hon Sec) 764625
Herstmonceux Gardener's Club
  Derek Creasey (secretary) 833006 or email
Herstmonceux Local History Group   Alan Brown 831754
Herstmonceux Luncheon Club   Mrs Angela Webster 833141
Herstmonceux Sequence Dance Club   F Beeney 832587
Herstmonceux Walking Club      
Herstmonceux Women's Institute   Sue Stewart 833450
Merrie Harriers Bonfire Society
  Mary Ann Gordon (secretary) 833749
Merrie Harriers Ladies Darts & Social Group   Niamh Layberry 831753
Ray & Sheldon Club (over 60s)   Miss Hazel Jarvis 833373
TLC Group   John King
Rev Richard Steven (from July 2011)
Varengeville Link   Alan McInnes 833306
Windmill Hill Horticultural Society   Marian Harding 832150
Windmill Hill Windmill Trust
Click here for their website
  Mrs Bee Frost 833033


Place of Worship Address Contact Telephone

All Saints
Church Road

Rev Richard Steven 833124
Gerald Stone (churchwarden) 833976
Mrs Melinda Stone (PCC secretary 833976
Mrs Jocelyn King (PCC treasurer, Herstmonceux ) 832997
Mrs Jean Dryden (treasurer, Friends of All Saints) 833774
Assistant Curate Mrs Jean Manning 831105
Lay Reader Mr John King 832997
  Mrs Pam Kendall Churchwarden 833079
  Verger Mrs Pam Kendall 833079
Free Church
Click here for their website
the Village Chapel, Chapel Row Mrs J. Taylor (secretary) 832266
Herstmonceux Quaker Meeting (Religious Society of Friends) Meeting House, West End, Herstmonceux Mrs J. Fairbrother 844269 or email
St Mary Magdalene Wartling Revd Richard Steven (Rector) 833124
David Harding (churchwarden) 832150
John King (churchwarden) 832997
Miss Stella Hardwick (PCC secretary) 833445
Mrs Jocelyn King (PCC treasurer) 833654



Signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln


THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR - Signing of the Proclamation of Emancipation. The American Civil War began in 1861, leading to the end of chattel slavery in America. Not long after the war broke out, through a legal maneuver credited to Union General Benjamin F. Butler, a lawyer by profession, slaves who came into Union "possession" were considered "contraband of war". General Butler ruled that they were not subject to return to Confederate owners as they had been before the war. Soon word spread, and many slaves sought refuge in Union territory, desiring to be declared "contraband."  Could such a thing happen in the UK with affordable houses being built in one location, attracting a young workforce - who then has a chance to throw off the financial chains still being imposed in other less enlightened counties. The only way such a thing could happen is with Housing Associations.

The Civil War ended in June 22, 1865 and following that surrender, the Emancipation Proclamation was enforced throughout remaining regions of the South that had not yet freed the slaves. Slavery continued for a couple of months in some locations. Federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas on June 19, to enforce the emancipation, and that day is now celebrated as Juneteenth in several states.

The thirteenth amendment, abolishing slavery except as punishment for a crime, was passed by the Senate in April 1864, and by the House of Representatives in January 1865. The amendment did not take effect until it was ratified by three fourths of the states, which occurred on December 6, 1865, when Georgia ratified it. On that date, all remaining slaves became officially free.

Legally, the last 40,000-45,000 slaves were freed in the last two slaves states of Kentucky and Delaware by the final ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in December 18, 1865. Slaves still held in Tennessee, Kentucky, Kansas, New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia, Maryland, Missouri, Washington, D.C., and twelve parishes of Louisiana also became legally free on this date. American historian R.R. Palmer opined that the abolition of slavery in the United States without compensation to the former slave owners was an "annihilation of individual property rights without parallel...in the history of the Western world". Economic historian Robert E. Wright argues that it would have been much cheaper, with minimal deaths, if the federal government had purchased and freed all the slaves, rather than fighting the Civil War.












The Energy Age, Lime Park, Herstmoneux, East Sussex


We take electricity for granted, but without these pioneers we would not have lighting or computers.  Published by Lime Park Heritage Trust (all proceeds go toward the restoration of this monument to a modern design genius).









 -  Conditions Index A - Z
1. Permission subject to detailed particulars
2. Appearance & Landscape

3. Application for reserved matters in 3 years

4. No dev. without archaeological programme

5. No dev. until written scheme 4. published

6. Contamination to be reported subsequently

7. Details code of construction TB approved

8. Temporary contractor provisions

 9.  Noise restrictions working hours

10. Details brickwork finishes
11. Joinery details, windows, doors

12. Details hard & soft landscaping

13. Details screening, trees, hedges

14. Planting trees Chapel Row, Museum

15. Landscape management plan

16. Wildlife management details

17. Japanese Knotweed survey

18. Access prior to building works

19. Visibility splays entrance A271

20. Internal site access roads

21. Car parking details

22. Garages no commercial use

23. No felling trees hedgerows

24. Tree protection existing TPO

25. Bins refuse collection & disposal

26. Foul drainage sewerage works

27. Surface water drainage

28. No discharges foul water

29. Flood resilient buildings

30. Surface water drainage

31. Light pollution AONB

32  Renewable energy

33. No permitted dev buildings

34. No permitted gates/fences

36. Limited to included docs



Copyright © 2015 HST &  Max Energy Limited (a not for profit organisation)