From Highgate to Hastings Neil Honnor has policed a wide variety of communities across changing times and demands. Starting as a junior officer in the borough of Haringey in the 1980s Neil learnt about policing in the aftermath of the inner city riots. In the early 1990s he moved on to specialise in roads policing and accident investigation working across north London. After 10 years in the Metropolitan Police Neil moved to Sussex Police, he continued his career in Hastings moving through various crime investigation and uniform departments. Bringing the experiences of community policing from the inner city in early 2000 Neil worked on introducing the concept of Neighbourhood Policing into Sussex.


As a strong advocate of partnership Neil led many of the changes that have improved community wellbeing across the county of East Sussex. Most recently that partnership approach has seen him develop the principles of; family key work, shared facilities, joint management and collaborative tasking across his area. After periods of specialization in intelligence work and investigations Neil moved to become the Chief Superintendent Divisional Commander of East Sussex, this area covered a population of ½ million people from the rural communities of the high Weald to the seaside towns of Eastbourne and Hastings.


With a special interest in the welfare of people with disabilities Neil is also the Sussex police champion for that group, he leads on improving policing services across Sussex for those with mental health issues and other disabilities both from a service users perspective as well as for internal employees. Most recently Neil has moved on to become the Head of Surrey & Sussex Operations Department, as a Strategic Firearms Commander and Public Order Commander he is well experienced in the Ops field, this role covers command for Roads Policing, Firearms, Public Order, Gatwick Airport, duties, planning and aspects of joint contingency planning.




Caroline Ansell, Theresa May and Neil Honnor at a meeting in Eastbourne





A senior policeman has been suspended after allegedly making racist remarks to a taxi driver on his way home from a night out.

Sussex Police Chief Superintendent Neil Honnor and another officer allegedly began arguing with two cab drivers in Eastbourne while off-duty.

East Sussex divisional commander Mr Honnor is said to have threatened one of these drivers with removing their taxi licence, before he allegedly made racist comments to a third driver who was taking him and the colleague home.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission will also assess claims that his colleague made an unauthorised access to police IT systems following the incident.

Sussex Police and the IPCC announced on Monday that that they were investigating what happened outside Eastbourne railway station just over a month ago on September 5.

Mr Honnor has been suspended during their probe due to his ‘seniority and the seriousness of the alleged offences'.

Criminal charges are being considered against Mr Honnor for public order offences while the other officer is facing charges under the Data Protection Act and the Computer Misuse Act.

The other officer, an inspector in East Sussex, is also under investigation for ‘failing to adequately challenge and report’ Mr Honnor's behaviour.

IPCC commissioner Jennifer Izekor said: ‘That a senior officer has been accused of such serious and criminal misconduct in a public setting and racist behaviour towards a member of the public is of significant concern.

‘And it is therefore appropriate that the IPCC provides independent oversight of this investigation.’

Sussex Police Deputy Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney added: ‘We take any report of racism very seriously, along with any inappropriate access to police IT systems and we will co-operate with the IPCC in their investigation.

‘Sussex Police cares about developing and has invested in building its relationship with BME communities, through its neighbourhood policing teams and support from an independent Race Advisory Group. 

'We remain fully committed to providing a fair and non-discriminatory policing service to our communities.' By Mark Duell







ONE of Sussex Police’s top cops has been cleared by a watchdog of racist behaviour towards a taxi driver.

An investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission has found no evidence that East Sussex Divisional Commander Chief Superintendent Neil Honnor showed racist or criminal behaviour.

Mr Honnor was alleged to have made the comments while off-duty and riding in a taxi that had picked him and another senior officer up in Eastbourne in September.

He will now face a misconduct meeting chaired by a chief officer from another force along with Inspector Claire Stephenson.

She was accused of unlawfully accessing police data files following the incident although the Crown Prosecution Service have ruled to take no further action on this matter.

Mr Honnor returned to work yesterday after a four month suspension following the findings of the report while Insp Stephenson has been cleared to continue working since the incident.

The news comes a day after details of another misconduct hearing involving a Sussex Police constable were made public.

PC Forrest Knight will answer allegations that he unlawfully accessed police IT systems, disclosed confidential information to a third party and entered false information while clocking into work.

His hearing will be held on February 24 at Sussex Police Headquarters in Lewes – one of the first of its kind in the county to be held in public.

Deputy Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney said: "We welcome the scrutiny of the IPCC in this matter. Sussex Police referred the matter for independent oversight after learning that the officer's behaviour had been perceived as racist.

“Their report clearly identifies that there was no evidence of any racist behaviour or any other criminal offence in the way he acted."

"We take any report of racism very seriously.

“We have kept our independent advisors in the community up to date with this investigation and have sought their views.

“Sussex Police cares about developing its relationship with black, Asian and minority ethnic communities and has invested in it through its neighbourhood policing teams and support from an independent race advisory group.

“We remain fully committed to providing a fair and non-discriminatory policing service to our communities.”







The Wilding report found a complete failure of corporate duty by Sussex police. The Hampshire inquiry concluded that three police officers lied about intelligence in order to persuade Deputy Chief Constable Mark Jordan to authorise the raid on James Ashley's flat. The report found that the raid was:

"authorised on intelligence that was not merely exaggerated, it was determinably false ... there was a plan to deceive and the evidence concocted."

The chief constable was castigated. Sir John Hoddinott concluded that Paul Whitehouse, the then chief constable,

"wilfully failed to tell the truth as he knew it, he did so without reasonable excuse or justification and what he published and said was misleading."

Sir John found evidence against Deputy Chief Constable Mark Jordan. That included criminal misfeasance and neglect of duty, discreditable conduct and aiding and abetting the chief constable's false statements. There was suggested evidence of collusion between some or all of the chief officers and an arguable case of attempting to pervert the course of justice.


The letters between Derek Holness and Tim Mottram tend to show how supportive this police force would be in any attempt to gain an injunction or criminal conviction, where it was David Phillips who assaulted Nelson Kruschandl and Derek Holness was clearly eliciting the assistance of Sussex police in gaining a potential criminal charge, possibly also involving an armed raid, presumably hoping that the police might accidentally shoot their long term adversary and cure all their problems with one bullet, as Chris Sherwood did for them concerning Jimmy Ashley.



Giles York would not vote for Matt Taylor in a million years





The well known dissident, Nelson Kruschandl is just one of a number of local Sussex residents who are victims of Wealden's various vendettas that amount to institutionalised discrimination. Why? Because he took on Wealden District Council and the civil servants who worked there did not like him or his attack on their corrupt practices.


The frequency of the events alleged is suggestive of an ingrained agenda that operates to keep planning consents out of the reach of certain residents, to the benefit of other better connected concerns. The chief executive of this council, Charles Lant is believed to be implicated by virtue of not acting to prevent crime in his council. The leader of the council, Bob Standley is alleged to have been put on notice as to some of these matters, but is seems is also sitting on his hands. The operations of this council are alleged to amount to a course of malicious conduct or even fraud, as defined by the Fraud Act 2006.


Even more worrying is whether or not the Sussex Police is party to these allegations of serious crimes and what part their Chief Constable, Giles York plays in all of this. It would be a feather in any police officer's career if he or she uncovered corrupt practices at a higher level and was brave enough to expose those cover-ups. It is a criminal offence to know of a crime and not report or investigate it.


It is alleged that Sussex police are complicit in the agenda of Wealden District Council to rubbish their dirtiest darkest secret by framing the occupier of the historic building that George White and Thomas Hoy lied about on oath before Inspector Raymond Dannruether in 1986-1987.


It is alleged that as a result of deceiving Mr Dannreuther that they obtained a fraudulent instrument with which to torment Nelson Kruschandl with preventing him from developing his talents as a creative engineer and destroying a marriage and a second long term common law relationship, driving him into a relationship with an unstable psychiatric nurse who was also a single mother.


It is alleged that as Mr Kruschandl became more successful in planning appeals and in defeating enforcement actions against the protagonist council, that they sought a way to bury him - and that they did this by grooming the feelings of the daughter of the psychiatric nurse after an engagement was called off, leading to an acrimonious split where the young girl was emotional putty in the hands of social services who coached her, fabricating a story for her that relied on there being no evidence to contradict her story.


It is alleged that the Sussex police conspired with the CPS and a trial Judge, Cedric Joseph, to gain a conviction against a charge of multiple rapes, where their witness was still intact and a virgin when inspected by Melanie Liebenberg, a witness who also aided and abetted the gaining of this conviction by misinforming the jury as to marks that were/are naturally occurring, where Doctor Liebenberg suggested to a jury of 12 ordinary men and women that they must be from foul play - when she must have known that her conclusions were untrue.


It is alleged that Gordon Staker and James Hookway deliberately failed to secure the so-called crime scene, avoiding collecting any evidence that was inconsistent with the allegation they had been tasked to prove. That in doing so they knew that the defendant would be unable to mount any kind of defence where the police controlled the crime scene - and that they were possibly ordered by their superiors as to how important it was for Wealden for them to act in a manner in violation of their:



Sections 3.4 and 3.5 of the CPCIACPO require the investigating officers in a case to:-

“ pursue all reasonable lines of inquiry, whether these point towards or away from the suspect” 

It follows that any failure on the part of the investigating team, to reasonably secure evidence which they could obtain, may render the eventual trial unsafe, since such evidence, had it been obtained – had the potential to yield exonerating facts or cast doubt as to the reliability of claims, etc. Such investigations must fall under the duty umbrella imposed by Article 6(1) – the right to a: “fair and public hearing,” which is governed by a Code established by the Attorney Generals Guidelines, seen in Archbold’s Criminal Pleadings, and other common law precedents, in addition to the above Order.

It is further alleged that the police investigators had full knowledge that the defendant was Legally Aided and did not have the resources to challenge the might of the state where the Sexual Offences Act 2003, introduced by David Blunkett, reverses the burden of proof contrary to Articles 10 and 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.




Tony Blair invaded Iraq


Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AX T: 01323 443322







Eastbourne Station




Paul Whitehouse (1993-2001) Ken Jones (2001-2006) Joe Edwards (2006-2007) Martin Richards (2008-2014) Giles York (2014 >>)





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