DECEMBER 10 1999
shack revealed as historic village building
looks like a ramshackle and rundown office but it was
once the most important building in the village of
Herstmonceux. Inventor, Kruschandl, perhaps more famous for his running
battles with the local
planning authority, has been using it to design and
build his creations for the past 18 years. But in
1998 he made a startling discovery. Beneath its
rusty corrugated tin exterior lies one of Britain's
earliest and last remaining electric power houses.
in Victorian time the building was the heart of the
village, powering street lighting and homes for miles
around. Since the amazing find Mr Kruschandl has
fought to gain the recognition he feels the building
deserves as an historic
monument. But the building is un-listable
because of its current condition. It is covered in
metal cladding which was not part of its original
now he has had its status confirmed by English
Heritage, which has added the building to its
Monument Protection Programme. This means that the
building is recognised for its history and should be
Kruschandl, 44, siad he has also had it confirmed that
the building was the only remaining generator
that used to power a whole village. And local
councillors have decided to rethink their decision on
converting the building, which has delighted Mr

man's fight for historic building is vindicated
been a struggle to get recognition
but that looks like that has now happened.' The
power station called the Old Steam House, was developed
by a wealthy landowner Baron
de Romer originally for his own use. It was
bought by a local electricity company during the
Edwardian era and remained in use until the 1930's when
the National Grid took over.
the technology was so early and the lights used to
flicker in time with the engine,' said Mr Kruschandl.
'I try to imagine what it must have been like for people
then.' In the New Year Wealden planning
councillors are expected to make a decision on whether
the building can be used for living in or for office
use. Yesterday (Thursday) councillors were urged
by planning chiefs to delay a decision for further
investigations to be carried out.
We accept it is difficult for reporters writing articles
of such a complex nature to capture every detail.
In the above article the council concerned issued enforcement
notices between 1982 and 1986, the latter appealed
to the Secretary
of State. The present 'no mans land' planning
blight situation, is preventing conservation works, to
include removing the unsightly tin cladding from the
original timbers. The first planning application
was made in 1988, the last in 1999 (not appealed).
On each of these occasions Wealden District Council
ignored the history attaching to the building, despite
the newspaper report above and umpteen letters and
reports from archaeologists. The last appeal to
the Secretary of State in 1997 elicited a decision
letter also denying the history, which decision was
based on the council's expert witness Ms Chezel
testimony. The Secretary of State now know
that she was
wrong, but say they cannot correct their decision - worse still, it appears the council had the
origins of the building on file as early as 1983, but
that this information was not put before the Secretary
of State, neither did the local authority or the
Secretary of State consult English
Heritage, despite
PPG16 or Circular 22 of 1980.
a Council conducts what amounts to an institutionalised
vendetta or the State by their inaction allows such
vendetta to continue unabated,
the Human
Rights of their victim are violated in many ways.
Ultimately, it is the head of stage who is responsible.
In this case it was Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth II, where there may be no effective
remedy in the United
Kingdom, the European
Courts might step in save for their 6 month rule.
The United Nations would be the ultimate Court should it
transpire that despite the theoretical right of audience
with the Queen or future King
under the Bill
of Rights 1689 turn out to be a damp squib.
Electricity Generating Works Circa. 1900 - 1936
| Instructions
| Batteries
| Boiler
Room | Floor
Plan | Ron
| Lime
Park | Machinery
| Map
| Power
House | Argus
Supply | Roof
Construction | Rural
Supply | Sussex
Express 1913 |
South East |
East Sussex CC
| English Heritage
| Sx Exp 1999
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