AFTER six and a half years at the helm of St Albans district council, chief executive Daniel Goodwin is leaving tomorrow.
He is moving from the district council which he joined in 2006 to become executive director for finance and policy at the
Local Government Association.
His role will be temporarily taken on by the current deputy chief executive for public services, James Blake, leaving the other deputy chief executive, Coim O’Callaghan, who is responsible for finance to concentrate on the council’s 2013/14 budget.
Mr Goodwin’s departure is the catalyst for an internal restructure which will combine the chief executive’s role with one of the two deputy chief executive roles.
It means that both Mr Blake and Mr O’Callaghan can apply for the chief executive vacancy.
FAO: Lord Irvine
FAX REF. 020 7210 8780
The Lord Chancellors Department
Public Legal Services Division
Selbourne House
54-60 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QW
29 May 2002
Dear Lord Irvine
Further to my recent correspondence, pleased find enclosed copy of my letter to Constable Crichton, of
Hailsham Police Station dated 27th May 2002, concerning the 181st Council site visit.
The failure of the funding system to avail me of a fair hearing concerning my civil rights has now demonstrably put me at risk as to a possible criminal prosecution. Could I ask for your assurance of a fair (fully funded) trial in that event?
If, as I requested (applied for) some 15 months ago I had been funded for a declaration as to the nullity of this Council’s enforcement and other decisions, it would not have been possible for their officers to continue their
vendetta. This would have been the most cost effective solution in my opinion and put an end to the misuse of local authority (public) funds some
Council officers are indulging in to protect their reputations and nurse the lie.
I have again been placed in a position to challenge any normal persons private
life. The intrusion and unrelenting and ongoing stress and uncertainty are
cancerous to other more positive aspects of my career as an
The Access to Justice Act, while it might make some lawyers rich on routine cases involving accident has the reverse effect for people seeking justice in matters of public law. Lawyers appear to prefer easy pickings and where they can pick and choose, they do choose: to leave the more specialised areas of law alone. This fact should have been considered and catered for by our Government, or perhaps our Government were more interested in conserving funds for propaganda purposes!
Yours sincerely
C.C. Rt Hon Gregory Barker MP
Steve Orchard LSC
Sussex Police
Cllr Brian West
Nelson Kruschandl
Many people
with good cause to complain make the mistake of going to the LGO,
without realising the Ombudsman's role may be to stifle serious complaint,
or slow responses sufficiently to cause a potential litigant to lose his
window of opportunity for Judicial
Review, etc.
With an estimated 24,000 serious
criminal offences committed each year by planning
officers, it is pointless making a
complaint to the Local
Government Ombudsman where he or she is unlikely to be able to award
significant damages to justify the effort in putting your complaint, where
it is most often the case that the same amount of effort would suffice for
a successful and substantial claim.

Williams, Victorio Scarpa, David Whibley, Julian Black,
Daniel Goodwin

Nuttall, David Phillips, Douglas
Moss, Ian Kay, Charles Lant
Trevor - Alcock
Charmain - Ditto - Arnold
Chris (Christine) - Barakchizadeh
Lesley - Black
Julian -Boakes Beverley
Barker - Brigginshaw
Marina - Brown
Ashley - Coffey
Patrick - Douglas
Sheelagh - Flemming
Mike - Goodwin
Derek - Hoy
Thomas - Johnson
Geoff - Kay Ian - Kay
I. M.
- Lant Charles - Mercer
Richard - Mileman
Craig - Moss Douglas, J. - Nuttall
Christine - Phillips
David - Scarpa
Victorio - Scott
Trevor - Kevin Stewart
M. - Whibley David - White,
George - Williams