Trevor Scott was chosen from a list of candidates, but we wonder who would be foolhardy enough to want to work for Wealden, with their history of Human Rights abuses, and other officer indiscretions. It would seem from the challenge that the list was not very long and we wonder who might have been on it?



The Horse Sanctuary Trust is following Mr Scott's career with much interest. We are hoping that Mr Scott heralds a period of greater transparency, with officers making mistakes, admitting them early on, rather than nursing old lies, as had been their MO.


As a council, Wealden's problems began before 1980 when certain members of the public noted inconsistencies in decisions and officers only partly declaring interests, with masonic fingers in certain pies.


Council's are in a position of enormous trust, where land values are being determined almost daily, and who benefits from those changing land values is under their control, with no policing at all from the likes of Sussex police, or the Secretary of State, where only very infrequently are decisions called in for an examination of due process.




Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AX T: 01323 443322



UCKFIELD NEWS 19 July 2018 - Trevor Scott is new chief executive of Wealden District Council

Trevor Scott has been appointed chief executive of Wealden District Council. He takes over from Charles Lant who is retiring after 16 years in the job.

Mr Scott, whose appointment was agreed at a meeting of Wealden’s full council yesterday (July 18), steps up from the post of director of governance and corporate services.

He said: “I have worked for Wealden for 15 years and I know the district well.” “We are a forward-looking council in a world which is looking to us to become increasingly self-reliant.

“We have achieved much in recent years, but there is still much to do. I look forward to the challenge of helping to improve public services for everyone in the district.”

The council said Mr Scott had been appointed following a rigorous competitive interview process involving candidates from across the country.

Passion and commitment

Wealden’s Portfolio Holder for Community Leadership and Human Resources, Cllr Nick Collinson, who is Chairman of the Personnel Committee, said Mr Scott had demonstrated his “passion and ongoing commitment to the council and the community”.

“I am in no doubt that Trevor will continue to successfully support and guide the council, just as his predecessor has done. Members and officers alike are looking forward to working with Trevor in his new role.”




Trevor Scott started his Wealden career in 2003 as head of democratic and legal services. He progressed to his current post in 2013, and subsequently deputy chief executive in 2015.

He is married with two children and has strong local ties, having attended Hailsham Community College. He is also chairman of Hailsham Cricket Club [Somewhat ironic where his legal passage has been anything but].

What does a district council chief executive do?

The chief executive is the council’s principal administrative officer and will lead the process of implementation of policies decided by the elected councillors. Advice and guidance will be provided to members of the authority. A chief executive has the responsibility of ensuring the authority always acts lawfully and that the council is managed effectively and efficiently.


The problem here is that Wealden have erred in law on many occasions previously. On a couple of those occasions Mr Scott was involved.





UCKFIELD NEWS Monday, June 4, 2018 - Wealden Council’s chief executive is retiring

Wealden District Council chief executive, Charles Lant, has announced his intention to retire. He has been chief executive for 16 years and in public service for 40 years.

He said: “Wealden has been a very big part of my life and I feel very privileged to have been able to work with such great people, including officers, councillors, and other partners and, of course, the wider Wealden community.

“It’s always sad to leave, especially with some exciting and challenging times ahead, but then there are always exciting and challenging times in this job. I have really enjoyed it. Wealden has a great future ahead of it, and I feel the time is right to hand over the reins to a successor.”

Great change

During his time at Wealden, the council has seen great change. Charlie has overseen numerous projects, including: the Transformation Programme, reducing the Council’s running costs by over £4 million a year since 2010; the building of 160 council homes providing much needed affordable housing across the district, and, more recently, promoting the council’s work on health, wellbeing, and loneliness to a national audience. [Affordable is a gray area where true affordability has not been achieved, but rather a percentage reduction over market values]

Council Leader, Cllr Bob Standley paid tribute to Mr Lant saying: “Charlie has dedicated his working life to serving local government and the community, and in particular the district of Wealden.

Strong management

“I’d like to thank him for the valued guidance and support he has given Wealden’s elected councillors through the years.

“His strong and effective management has helped us deliver considerable success for the council, the benefits of which will be felt by Wealden residents and businesses for many more years to come. We all wish him well in his much deserved retirement.”

Mr Lant will also be retiring as Returning Officer having overseen all elections and referenda in the district for the last 16 years.


The council will be advertising for a successor shortly with the expectation that a new chief executive will be in post in good time to oversee the 2019 district and parish council elections which will see a new boundary structure for the council following the local government boundary changes.










Ian Kay


Ian Kay

Assist. Dist. Plan.


Charles Lant


Charles Lant

Chief Executive


Patrick Scarpa, solicitor Wealden District Council


Victorio Scarpa



Timothy Dowsett


Timothy Dowsett

Dist. Secretary


Christine Nuttall, solcitor, Wealden District Council corruption and monument protection English Heritage 


Christine Nuttall



David Phillips, perjury and corruption Wealden District Council, the Energy Age, Nelson Kruschandl


Dr David Phillips




Daniel Goodwin


Daniel Goodwin

Chief Executive



J Douglas Moss


J Douglas Moss





 Kelvin Williams

Dist. Planning




Trevor Scott




David Whibley, enforcement officer Wealden District Council


David Whibley




Christine Arnold


Christine Arnold










Beverly Boakes


Beverley Boakes

Legal Secretary



Patrick Coffey


 Patrick Coffey




Julian Black planning consultant


Julian Black





Ashley Brown

Dist. Planning




Derek Holness

Former CEO



Abbott Trevor - Alcock Charmain - Ditto - Arnold Chris (Christine) - Barakchizadeh Lesley - Paul Barker - Bending Christopher

Black Julian - Boakes Beverley - Bradshaw Clifford - Brigginshaw Marina - Brown Ashley - Coffey Patrick - Douglas Sheelagh

Dowsett Timothy - Flemming Mike - Forder Ralph - Garrett Martyn - Goodwin Daniel - Henham J - Holness Derek

Hoy Thomas - Johnson Geoff - Kavanagh Geoff - Kay Ian - Kay I. M. - Barbara Kingsford - Lant Charles - Mercer Richard

Mileman Niall - Moon Craig - Moss Douglas, J.Nuttall Christine - Pettigrew Rex - Phillips David - Scarpa Victorio - Scott Trevor

Kevin Stewart - Turner Claire - Wakeford Michael. - Whibley David - White, George - Williams Kelvin - Wilson Kenneth - White Steve






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