Tyrian Lodge is located in South Street in Eastbourne conveniently 200 meters or so from the old police station in Grove Road. There is thus a connection between Sussex police and this lodge, though not restricted to just this lodge, where Sussex police operate in Brighton, Lewes, Seaford and other towns that have other Lodges.
Notably, Derek Best and Brian West were builders in the region, while Elphick was a plastering firm. Derek Best was related to Ian Kay the assistant district planning officer who worked for Wealden District Council for over 20 years in a position of considerable influence and trust that he is said to have abused when his father-in-law's applications were due for hearing. Ian Kay worked with George White, who knew about this connection, but kept quiet about the conflict of interest as did Ashley Brown and potentially many other officers in Wealden DC, that must have included the chief executives in the circle of power that masterminded the demolition of Bushy Wood animal sanctuary, once owned by a competing builder: Gordon Worcester.
You can see from the 1985/86 year book who the members of this Lodge were at that time. We would like more information relating to the 1990s and 2000. If you can help us with any such information all contributions will be accepted in confidence. or why not mail us whatever you have anonymously.
George White and Thomas Hoy were the officers who lied to Inspector Raymond Dannreuther between 1986 and 1987 concerning the old generating buildings at Herstmonceux.
That lie was perpetuated by J D Moss and Chezel Bird, with Victorio Scarpa and Christine Nuttall providing legal, or rather illegal steerage as solicitors when the lie was nursed through yet another public inquiry in 1997 and 1998. This time the inspector being lied to was Raymond Michael. You are probably wondering how it is that the Secretary of State can be so easily deceived? So are we!
In 1986 the membership of Tyrian Lodge included a significant number of builders and other associated trades in and around Eastbourne, Pevensey Bay, Seaford. How many police officers we do not yet know because the cops are pretty tight lipped when it comes to revealing details of their membership of this secret society. Why? Because with that information 2+2=4. And they don't want you to be able to join the dots.
In 1997 a Petition was presented to Wealden by 12 unrelated persons who claimed to have suffered treatment that was discriminatory amongst other charges. Many of the complaints involved the actions of David Phillips, the head enforcement officer at the time.
What is interesting is the number of golden handshakes that Wealden District Council dole out to retiring officers. We wonder if this is legal. Derek Holness is said to have demanded £250,000 pound when retiring as chief executive following the Petition. Notably, when Lord Richard Newton referred the Petitioner's complaints to Sussex police, not one of the informants were contacted and there is no recorded crime number, meaning that there was no investigation at all.
This implicates the CPS, who would have known from the files that they were handed, that no investigation had taken place. Not one of the officers complained of was interviewed under caution or at all.
As you may imagine, it was in the interests of Wealden District Council and the Sussex police to silence the person who continued to raise the inconvenient truth as to the crime of not investigating a crime regarding the Petition cover up, or WealdenGate. This person was none other than the occupier of the generating station, who had by now uncovered evidence as to the Wealden lying to both Inspectors at the two public inquiries with the help of the then County Archaeologist and University College London Institute of Archaeology who conducted a site survey and compiled an authoritative Report that proved Wealden's officers to be liars. This is where the proverbial shit hit the fan, increasing the need for this council to bury their nemesis.
Institutionalised discrimination is illegal. Both Wealden and Sussex police are held to be guilty of institutionalised discrimination and have done nothing to deny that allegation - so must accept that they are guilty. It is alleged that Sussex police abused their authority to gain a criminal conviction to discredit the occupier of the generating buildings. They managed to convince a Jury of 12 members of the public that this poor chap was guilty of rape, even though the claimant was intact and a virgin. The police managed this little trick by engaging a so-called expert who was prepared to mislead the Jury as to marks that are naturally occurring. The expert told the Jury otherwise. Claiming that a naturally occurring mark was indicative of penetration. The expert witness did not use a colposcope to measure the hymen to vaginal wall distance, because she knew that if she did so and included what she found in her findings that the police would be unable to gain the conviction they were seeking. Because such examination would only reinforce her findings that: "the hymen could not be opened even with labial traction."
It is likely that the Judge in this case was a mason, had masonic connections, or that the CPS team had a high masonic quotient, because the Judge instructed the Jury to become expert witnesses concerning medical evidence ("make of it what you will") and lied to the Jury in his summing up about the provenance of a work diary, that he attributed to the defendant, when in fact it belonged to a community psychiatric nurse giving evidence and was independent evidence that proved a lack of opportunity. Independent evidence like this would have been sure to make the Jury question the reliability of the claimant who was prone to screen (implanted) memories and had been coached by social services as to getting her story right. It is alleged that if confronted by her medical condition at the time of examination and the diary as compared to her statement, that even the complainant might begin to question her testimony. No doubt this will haunt her, but we must feel a little sorry for the girl who was under extreme emotional and social stress at that time, even if she did send an innocent man to prison for calling off an engagement to her mother.
The problem with all of this is that in England there is no right of appeal. Any referral to the Appeal Court must come from the Criminal Cases Review Commission and their job is to cover up cases, rather than reveal the true extent of corruption in the British judicial system. Such activities by the CCRC are contrary to the United Nations agenda under SDG16, let alone conflict with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We invite you to conclude that we are not big on transparency and accountability in Britain. The police in England are not accountable even when they shoot an unarmed, naked man, in cold blood. See the James (Jimmy) Ashley case to gain a fuller picture as to the level of corruption in Sussex police.
effect Sussex police gave Ian Kay, Ashley Brown, David Phillips and other
Wealden officers immunity from prosecution. WealdenGate has yet to see the
light of day. We will keep digging in the hope that one day the criminals
in Wealden DC and those aiding and abetting
their crimes will be prosecuted. We suspect that when that day comes,
Tyrian Lodge will feature in the drama as it unfolds.
SUSSEX MASONS - The burning question is how many of the chiefs in Sussex Police are masons, and how many other councillors or officers of Wealden District Council are masons? It is probable that once the characters in this drama are identified, that we might have a clearer picture of how it was that the Sussex Police failed to investigate 12 independent claims of council corruption in 1997 from the Wealden Action Group (WAG). Readers should be aware that not a single statement was taken from the complainants by Sussex Police, nor were any of the 12 complainants contacted by the police to view their evidence. Yet, Sussex Police put this entirely un-investigated series of crimes to the CPS as if they had been investigated. Then, the police provided blank sheets of their headed paper to the council they were supposed to be investigating, for them to be able to write what they wanted about themselves. This is organised crime, plain and simple, this revelation witnessed by Richard de Rivaz, a WAG member.
MQ Magazine http://www.mqmagazine.co.uk Supreme Grand Chapter of England Official website of the Royal Arch Masons of England http://www.grandchapter.org.uk Library and Museum of the United Grand Lodge of England Official website of the Library and Museum http://freemasonry.london.museum Letchworth's Shop on-line http://letchworthshop.co.uk Masonic
Charities The
Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys www.rmtgb.org
In 1789 Alexander Hamilton became the first Treasury Secretary of the United States. Hamilton was one of many Founding Fathers who were Freemasons. He had close relations with the Rothschild family which owns the Bank of England and leads the European Freemason movement. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Ethan Allen, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Brown and Roger Sherman were all Masons.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-federal-reserve-cartel-freemasons-and-the-house-of-rothschild http://www.bilderberg.org/masons.htm http://listverse.com/2012/11/21/top-10-scandalous-freemason-secrets/
SUSSEX MASONS - The burning question is how many of the chiefs in Sussex Police are masons, and how many other councillors or officers of Wealden District Council are masons? It is probable that once the characters in this drama are identified, that we might have a clearer picture of how it was that the Sussex Police failed to investigate 12 independent claims of council corruption in 1997 from the Wealden Action Group (WAG). Readers should be aware that not a single statement was taken from the complainants by Sussex Police, nor were any of the 12 complainants contacted by the police to view their evidence. Yet, Sussex Police put this entirely un-investigated series of crimes to the CPS as if they had been investigated. It is alleged that then, the police provided blank sheets of their headed paper to the council they were supposed to be investigating, for them to be able to write what they wanted about themselves. This is organised crime, plain and simple, this revelation witnessed by Richard de Rivaz, a WAG member at that time.
Many policemen are Masons. This can lead to corruption at high levels, where fellow Masons, members of the public, might obtain favours, charges dropped, or charges brought against someone, as examples.
The law is quite often used incorrectly (illegally) to further the objectives of private causes. But who is there to investigate? Since many, if not most high ranking officers are Masons, in whichever force, even an outside force is unlikely to identify an officer who will make any effort to investigate a fellow officer. It's a club, for a favoured few who will do anything to protect their ranks from outsiders bucking the system. Our fonder was one of those who bucked the system, and when he fell foul of a Mason's family, that was when he became the subject of unwanted attention.
'The System' is a fictional work inspired by a true story. The names and locations have been changed to protect the identities and characters both living and dead. The book offers an insight into several aspects of the British planning and legal judicial systems and once targeted by those in authority, anyone can have their lives destroyed as those in authority bring to bear unlimited resources against their victims. Our founder is a victim of masonic abuse. One officer questioned about his masonic links denied that he was a mason. What of Paul Whitehouse and Ken Jones?
No-one is suggesting that all Masonic officers are corrupt or even liable to become corrupt. However, in the past, there have been occasions when Masonic lodges have acted as nests of corruption, where detectives have rubbed shoulders with professional criminals in an atmosphere of friendship and loyalty with disastrous results. When Scotland Yard’s Obscene Publications Squad was destroyed by scandal in the late 1960s, twelve officers were jailed for taking bribes from pornographers. All of them were masons, including the head of the squad, Detective Chief Superintendent Bill Moody, who had even helped one of the pornographers he was supposed to be arresting to become a member of his own lodge.
According to a Report by Chris Mullin out of the professional magistrates and judges asked to declare whether they were members, more than 5% either refused to say or failed to reply to the request.
Senior police officers have defied official disapproval and established a new Masonic lodge despite widespread public fears about the influence of the secret society on the criminal justice system.
JOHN TULLY - A Metropolitan police officer who is a confirmed Mason. It seems to us that the police forces in the UK are running rings around the system where there is an obvious conflict of interest, thumbing their noses at victims of masonic abuse. Where many judges and prosecutors are also in the mix, there is real scope for wrongful convictions to be ordered. Masons in the system with authority will more than likely seek to cover their tracks by ordering non-masons to arrest and interview their targets, then make sure that any evidence to show innocence is not included in a case. If they can arrange for a Judge who is also a Mason, or a Judge who has masonic friends to hear a case, that would then complete the veil of cover-up so that during a casual look at any allegation, there would appear to be no masonic connections, when in fact the whole charade is a masonic exercise asserting their power with almost complete immunity guaranteed by the state.
The hallmarks of such a conspiracy are that the victims are tagged by the police as serial complainers. With this tag in place, untainted officers who might otherwise have investigated a complaint, are being instructed to drop the matter. In some cases, police officers attending a site will have been coached as to how to fend off allegations that that would otherwise respond to, and use all the evasive answers that they can muster, the favourite being that: "this is a civil matter." If you have experienced this, welcome to the club. You are a victim of masonic influence.
The above is just a few of a number of persons likely to be investigated in respect of certain cases brought against Wealden Action Group members, on the instigation of known Masons, councillors, or planning officers, many of which are themselves Masons.
http://www.worldbulletin.net/haber/126822/freemasons-involved-in-uk-police-corruption http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/352109.stm http://metro.co.uk/2016/04/26/hillsborough-tragedy-did-the-freemasons-influence-the-police-5842965/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/8713343 /Freemasons-in-the-police-leading-the-attack-on-David-Camerons-riot-response.html http://www.bruceonpolitics.com/2014/07/07/freemason-paedophilia/ http://www.westlancsfreemasons.org.uk/brian-raine-celebrates-50-years-in-freemasonry/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hX-NxBVvZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=18&v=pUm2vGX_aSU http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/police-defy-force-with-masonic-lodge-5370907.html http://www.internet.lodge.org.uk/other-articles/96-library/otherarticles/243-freemasonry-the-police-and-the-judiciary
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With thanks to Action Groups around the world for the supply of real case history and supporting documents.